6ix9ine RICO Prosecutors Brag that they had a snitch involved


6ix9ine RICO Prosecutors Brag that they had a snitch involved

I don’t really care much about this Tekashi 6ix9ine crap, nor do I like his music.  I have been following this case however, because anytime I see the FBI getting involved in the life of a high profile person of influence, it grabs my attention.  

A lot of famous rappers such as Fat Joe, and 50 Cent have been warning 6ix9ine that he has to slow down and chill out a bit with all of the beefing and shit-talking.   Then shortly after he got some good advice by the Breakfast Club about how he is about to crash, he crashes and get hits with racketeering charges.  

Well it was interesting to find out while I have been following this case, that the prosecutors in the case reveal that they had a confidential informant planted in the mix with the blood gang that Tekashi 6ix9ine was affiliated with.  Apparently there was someone very close to this cliche that had been wearing a wire, and had been reporting back to the FBI.

Tekashi 6ix9ine’s Lawyer Labels Snitch “A Cause For Concern”


The advice that the elders gave Daniel Hernadez AKA 6ix9ine would have been well served if he would have listened to them.

I myself have always said, don’t talk about your business, especially around people who you have questionable feelings about, and don’t talk on the phone.   

I am not a fan of his, buy I do sympathize with him.  He is an adult, but a very young adult, who got caught up in something way bigger and badder than he can handle. 

I will say that I believe the lowest vessel in the human species next to a pedophile is a snitch.   

About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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