Addressing Black Lives Matter in 2017
After so many waves of riots, arson, looting and otherwise “protesting” this year, I wanted to reflect on what I think the root cause of this animosity is.
This is the video that I made in 2017 to compare the “Black Nationalist” movements to the “White Nationalist” movements, and showing how the two groups are (or are not) connected politically.
I state again (as always), if people hate, divide, or find some unwarranted sense of pride in their skin color.. Well, try harder. If ethnicity is all that you got. Try harder!
Ryan Thompson
Now beyond rambling on and on about the “deep state”, I will give you a name, and a face, and a paper trail to prove that at very least, this man, George Soros is behind a lot of this “divide and conquer” stuff.
The cycle certainly repeats itself. See all of the entities that George Soros supports, to see how he is playing both sides against each other with his billions.