December 14th Trying to Access Summit Rd Mauna Kea
On December 14th 2019 three local Hawaii residents went to Mauna Kea to gain access to the publicly funded Summit Rd that goes to the summit of Mauna Kea. There is a small group of protesters that have set up tents and blockades to prevent anyone from using the road. In this video, the guard at the road for the protesters told us that he owned the road, and then made a bunch of other wild claims. What was most startling is how they on one hand claim “police have no jurisdiction” up there, and that Hawaii is a “fake state”, but this guard called the police no less than 6 times on us, telling us that we would be “arrested”. We then spoke to the police and like usual they are complicit and will not enforce the laws to protect our constitutional rights. I transcribed it, because on a group in facebook, someone made claims about the interaction that was not true. So I made sure to use two camera angles, and to make sure the audio was very clear, and that the audio was transcribed. If you want to join us in future requests to access to road, visit Write us an email at: