Pros and Cons of the recent conflict with Iran – Soleimani

The thing with this “recent conflict” is that it is not really “recent” at all. This has been going on in my lifetime all the way back to the Reagan days with the Iran/contra affair, where we traded weapons for hostages. Then the more recent and more notable event in the conflict is when Obama decided to implement the  Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action aka “The Iran Nuclear Deal”, that freed up somewhere between 50 billion and 150 billion dollars of sanctions against Iran, and also negotiated a payment from the USA in the form of 1.7 billion dollars. In return, Iran would not continue their nuclear weapon program. It is said by many investigators and foreign leaders that Iran has, in fact, continued the warfare against Americans in Iraq via small “rebels” or “militias”, even up until recently when the US embassy in Baghdad was attacked on December 31st 2019.

For me, as I have watched this unfold, both in horror that we may be starting a serious and expensive conflict. But also in relief, as this may be a final end to the war/occupation in Iraq.

The USA has over 700 bases around the world, and it may be as much as 800 depending on the source. However, it is a lot, and in reality that is 700 or 800 more than we should have on other countries’ soil.

So when the Iraqi parliament voted to send foreign troops (US troops) out of their country, I cheered!! Thinking not only are we not under any moral obligation to be there anymore but also we have no right to insist to stay anymore. If they want us out, then YES let us depart. I would only worry if they were asking us to stay, in order to protect them further from other sources of terror in the region. But with their government voting to get us out, I say let’s take this as a “perfect storm” and leave already.

Trump however, is being petty saying “Iraq must pay us for our Air-base that we built in Iraq, that cost billions”.

  • First, they aren’t going to pay. Nor do they have the capacity to
  • Second, we went in under false pretense (“Weapons of mass destruction) and we created a shitty situation there. Leave them the base without compensation, and get the hell out. That is their consolidation prize!

Now was it legal to hit Soleimani? Many would say yes. Here is why

  • Congress authorized this war more than once:
  • The action took place in Iraq, against a well documented and identified terror operator, where war has already been declared and authorized
  • The USA had been authorized by the Iraqi government to carry out military operations on Iraq soil.

Even Obama’s DHS Secretary said it was authorized Jeh Johnson said the following:

JOHNSON: “He was a lawful military objective. And the president under his Constitutional authority as commander-in-chief had ample legal authority to take him out without an additional Congressional authorization”

As for the democrats like Tulsi Gabbard complaining that this was an undeclared war, and unauthorized by congress. First, she is incorrect, based on the information above. Second, why weren’t these progressive liberals complaining when Obama was bombing and committing acts of war in countries that congress never authorized?

So yes, let’s follow a constitutional principle and get our troops home, and defend our own borders, end of story!

Why I don’t want to be involved with corporate media

Why I don’t want to be involved with corporate media. This is also why I don’t take donations usually. I received a donation in December of $600 of gift cards for our radio show, a donation that I had turned down in November just the month before.

Offer to donate in November
This is the email I sent the next day declining the donation

The person called me and said that she had already sent Christmas gifts for our kids in the form of gift cards and that I was not allowed to turn it down. So I spent them on Christmas. I bought our kids’ toys with the money. But then today (January 6th 2020) the same person informed me that she is mad that I reported some details about the Thirty Meter Telescope’s budget issues. She was upset that I rebroadcast the New Your Times article on the subject from December 23rd 2019. She said I should not have “bashed the TMT”. After some filthy words and accusations were sent my way, only two weeks after she sent the gift cards, she is asking for me to return them to her.

I told her that I would return what I didn’t spend on promoting the video that she asked me to produce for her. In the video below I show where on facebook alone I spent $254 of that on ads to promote that media. Then I also advertised on Youtube and Twitter. When I calculated all of the money that I spent promoting this campaign, I spent over $700. Reference:


That doesn’t even include the time I spent editing and producing the media at her request.

But who asks for a Christmas gift back? That sounds like some asshole shit to do to someone. But this is also why I do not like to take donations from people for my media. I talk about it more at this link:


And in the following video, this is what I referenced in the video above, about the censorship that Monsanto pushed on Fox News, and when Fox News censored their “investigative news team” so that they didn’t lose Monsanto advertising dollars.


When I made that video in 2011 about Corporate Media vs. Social Media, my point was the same. My fear was also the same. Any time in the past 20+ years that I have been sent a donation for a media project that I am working on, regardless of what it is. I seem to get the same consequence if I accept the donation. Someone wants to control my media or my behavior.
This is also why I encourage other people do their own media. So that there are no slaves and no masters when it comes to free expression. Those slave and master days are over thanks to the internet!

In my video above I say that I have been doing media since 2006, but actually it goes farther back than that.
I started back in 1999. Then it was, and then a flurry of others along the way. One of my most attended to social media blogs was (and, and then we did print newspapers with for about 4 years in 3 different states. I interviewed a lot of people in Hawaii via about the “green 14”, and other cannabis initiatives that we were working on.

So that is a lot of media. We have had a lot of guests and a lot of guest hosts through the years, and a few times we even accepted donations. However I would say 8 out of 10 times that we have accepted donations, it has turned into “since I gave you that donation, you need to behave this way”.

Well, the point of blogging, rather than working for a media corporation, is no bosses. No one gets to tell me how to write, or vlog, or print newspapers. I own the media, and I have no bosses. That IS the point.

So I will not bend on this TMT issue. I still support the TMT, but I have some genuine concerns about it right now.


If you treat me right, I will treat you right. Regardless of donations, payments, work, or anything financially related.
I don’t care if you have given me a million dollars, Im not going to kiss your ass or let you treatment poorly because of it. Nor will it change my point of view. I change my point of view based on good facts and logic, nothing else.

Trump order frees tax-exempt churches to be more politically active

U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Thursday that allows tax-exempt churches to more actively participate in politics and could free religious organizations to deny employees insurance coverage for birth-control pills.

This is a great move to restore free speech after a nearly 60-year ban on free speech.

In 1954, Congress approved an amendment by Sen. Lyndon Johnson to prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations, which includes charities and churches, from engaging in any political campaign activity. To the extent Congress has revisited the ban over the years, it has in fact strengthened the ban. The most recent change came in 1987 when Congress amended the language to clarify that the prohibition also applies to statements opposing candidates.

People cite the “separation of church and state” as the reason for this ban. However, the words “separation of church and state” do not appear anywhere in the constitution. This was a shady amendment, created by a highly progressive president in the 1950s, who wanted to silence the traditional/religious voice in the USA from political speech.

Why this ever happened in spite of our First and some may say MOST IMPORTANT constitutional amendment in the “Bill of Rights” is beyond me. Churches are not state actors, they are private, and protected by the first amendment, and should not be excluded from it.

This move by Trump is one of my most favorite things about his presidency to date.


The first amendment would read very clearly without confusion, that religions and non-profits would be protected in their speech.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Bravo President Trump!

TMT is paused until February, and their funding meeting is February too

Will the TMT have the funding that they need to start the project in February? They have been saying without a doubt that funding is a major concern. Now we have a strange coincidence, where the government has cleared the road, and the government has vowed to back the TMT when the project decides to start. However, the project has vowed to delay the project start until the end of February. Is that a coincidence? How significant is this?

Examples of the funding concerns for the TMT

For example, look at this article from June 2018, where the TMT says that the price of the project went up from 1.4 BIllion to 2 Billion, and that funding is still not certain.

That coincides with the recent report that TMT is going to beckon the National Science Foundation for more funding next month since they still are in a major financial disadvantage.

For years the funding issue for the TMT has been just out of sight for the most part, but the clues have been there the whole time.

What is the REAL problem?

What is more of a concern though, is not the TMT or their funding issues. Not the sovereignty movement or the protesters. The main problem is 100% the elected officials that have sat on their hands while the rest of the community pays for police to observe illegal protests. The officials have not given any care to the fact that while these illegal protests have carried on, that businesses like tour companies and others have been put out of business all of these months on the mauna, and that residents who pay for the road leading up to Mauna Kea summit are paying out of their taxes for a road that they can not even use.

I am convinced that the February meeting with the National Science Foundation, and the TMT, as well as the TMT’s decision to delay until at least February to begin, are no coincidence.

Again, the TMT is not the problem.  The protesters are not the problem.   Right now it is the GOVERNMENT leaders that are the problem.

I refuse to play possum and just wait for the project to begin, which may NEVER begin. This will turn in to the RAIL project in Honolulu if people don’t keep these groups and these politicians accountable.
Anyway, I am doing what I am able to do to keep everything on the up and up.
This is the video premiere that I am broadcasting tomorrow to keep everyone informed.


Welcome to the ROARING 2020s!

Happy New Year all of you disruptive people out there! Entering the ROARING 20’s is a great time to reflect on nostalgic parts of US and World history. This is one of my favorite eras in US history for sure.

The 1920’s had its’ good times and it’s bad times, but most of all it is a major part of the USA’s history that had some of the greatest influence on the nation and culture that we are today!

1920’s Politics and Civil Rights Movements

First and foremost there is no way to talk about the 1920’s for me, without mentioning one of my most respected historical people, Marcus Mosiah Garvey. This was a man responsible for major civil rights advancements for black people, but also humanity as a whole. Mr. Garvey essentially united oppressed people under the umbrella of a can-do attitude as well as capitalistic principles that would give them hope and determination that many oppressed people in the world needed at that time. Mr. Garvey demonstrated that despite cultural, economic and legal setbacks, that a determined people could use the free market to their advantage, and rise up out of the disposition that they had been in under slavery, classism, and other major challenges. Marcus Mosiah Garvey formed the UNIA (United Negro Improvement Association), as well as The Black Star Line amount many other business ventures and collective activism causes that employed capitalistic principles to gain strength and independence.

Over the years I have posted many speeches and inspiring quotes from Mr. Garvey, and my pen-name on some of my blogs is “Rich Garvey Banton” (the Garvey part is in respect for Marcus Mosiah Garvey). I will share two videos specifically that I created which had a strong focus on the works of Mr. Garvey.

The first video is titled: Racial Diversity featuring Marcus Garvey and Bob Marley


This video illustrates several cultures that went through forms of racial abuse, servitude and slavery in the 18th and 19t centuries in the USA. Marcus Garvey and Bob Marley are featured in this video.

The second video is titled: Marcus Garvey interview, Mr. Garvey speaks about his trial and persecution


This video is an interview with Marcus Garvey regarding the bunk charges that he was pinned with in regards to “mail fraud” showing how corrupt laws and governments can be in relationship with political opponents.

The Black Star Line was a blessing and a curse to the UNIA cause and Marcus Garvey. But it was a great demonstration of American and Human ingenuity. One of my most fond moments in history

The Early Mob days

When I was growing up, I was fascinated with mob movies. I loved the 1920 – 1950s. These were pure Americana, what really separated us and made America’s melting pot so unique. Crime families had such an interesting oath and code of ethics. It was a time when loyalty and integrity even played a huge role in the underworld.
It always made me wonder what happened to that. I mean on one hand, these people were cold-blooded killers, and criminals, On the other hand, they were loyal to the end, and kept a strict code of conduct. When they killed people, most of the time it was their own. It wasn’t a full on murder spree, they were often killing other gangsters.
I think about the mafia/mobs now. Like for example when John Gotti was taken down by his second in command, Sammy Gravano. In this situation, the loyalty oaths and code of conduct had been broken long before Sammy Snitched. This is where the mafia devolved into chaos and there were unauthorized hits, and power struggles. It was nuts. Then John Gotti decides to take out his second in command, for no good reason, and when Sammy hears of this, he rats out the boss and pretty much every other high ranking gangster that he was involved with. These types of things were almost unheard of in the 1920’s, even though the mafia was in its prime at that time. That is not really to romanticize the mafia, but the era.

Traditional values of the 1920s

Then you look at unwed mothers and single-parent households. It was almost unheard of in the 1920s. Most kids grew up with two parents. Now the tides are changing, and those statistics have almost reversed.

I have gotten data back to the 1940s, and even then it was nearly non-existent to have single-parent households.

Music of the 1920s

Then, of course, there was Jazz music and a bunch of new wonderful and exciting genres of music.

Happy New Year 2020 - Welcome to the ROARING 20s!
Happy New Year 2020 – Welcome to the ROARING 20s!

There is no doubt this was a major turning point for our nation and our world. Where-as our culture was becoming more progressive in many good ways, while still retaining whole-some and traditional values. Of course, many of these changes influenced a culture shift that would turn out to have many more negative qualities later in life. But I think without the help of the CIA, the FBI, and corrupt politicians, the wholesomeness and traditional cultural values would have lasted longer, and this is once again why Marcus Garvey’s trial and conviction are important. With the meddling of the US government in social movements and political movements, a lot of things were un-naturally forced on the USA’s culture and people.

There were other downsides to the 1920s that we can learn from, such as the Great Depression, a time directly after the USA implemented income taxes (for the first time in our nation’s history), and the Federal Reserve act. This happened at the very end of the 1920s, but it is a notable turning point in our nation’s history.

One of the worst plagues in the USA in all of history occurred this year 100 years ago, which was the prohibition of alcohol. This is the catalyst that ignited the gangs, and the massive influx of organized crime. On January 17th, 1920, the USA went “dry” after the US Senate had ratified the 18th Amendment one year prior. Then for 13 years, our country was torn to pieces by tyranny, until the passing of the 21st Amendment which ended prohibition.

Prohibition of Alcohol 1920 to 1933

Regardless, it is still such a wonderful time to be alive. Maybe with these new ROARING 20’s we can dial back to a time when things were more simple, yet fun and exciting. When capitalism was not “crony capitalism”, when music was exciting but not obscene, when dads and moms kept promises to each other and their children, and when being American meant really good things, and the rest of the world admired us for it.

Happy New Year From Ryan and Kim
Happy New Year From Ryan and Kim


OHA misconduct investigation suspended abruptly

An investigation into Office of Hawaiian Affairs has been ongoing since March of 2018, regarding corruption and misappropriation of public tax dollars.


It had still been ongoing as of December 9th 2019


As of December 30th 2019, the investigation has been suspended by the state’s auditor, the FBI’s investigation if separate (that part is not quite clear), may still be ongoing.


State Auditor Les Kondo announced today that the Office of the Auditor has suspended its audit of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs’ (OHA) limited liability companies (LLCs) because the OHA Board of Trustees is denying access to complete and unredacted minutes of its meetings, even though the audit was ordered by the state Legislature and state law gives the auditor the “unambiguous” authority to examine all OHA records.

Also reference:

In my opinion (Ryan Thompson), the ENTIRE premise of the Office of Hawaiian affairs is in violation of the 14th Amendment. Taking tax dollars from the general fund to benefit only one racial group? That does not seem like equal protection under the law. If this was a government agency to benefit ONLY Caucasians, there would likely be people in prison as a result.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Hawaii History Debate Every Two Weeks We Offer a Live Debate at Disruptarian Radio

Hawaii History Debate Every Two Weeks


We Offer a Live Debate at Disruptarian Radio
Here is a list of all of the videos in the series, we will be releasing a new episode every 2 weeks.
Episode (1): The first settlers in Hawaii that came to the islands, = the Tahitians conquerers
Episode 2: The wars and conflicts in Hawaii before European arrival
Episode 3: The European arrival
Episode 4: The brief history of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Episode 5: The overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
Episode 6: Annexation and then Statehood of the USA Tune in, and subscribe! Watch @

Write to us at: if you want to participate

To participate and to watch live, tune in January 2nd 2020 at 6pm -10 GMT (Hawaiian Time)

Join in Live Chat or contact us if you would like to be a live Guest

To join as a live Guest, Google Hangouts is required. To participate in Live Chat, you can just go to the link above.

Clearing Summit Road, DHHL Lands, and being NEW HAWAIIAN

Clearing Summit Road, DHHL Lands, and being NEW HAWAIIAN
One social media person stated to me: “If DHHL lands or moneys derived from said lands were for the public use why then did the $600,000,000.00 dollars only go to DHHL and not a penny into the State’s General Fund for all the Public?

My answer: This happens often where one public government entity sues another public government entity, surely you do not think this is unique to DHHL. There is no question IF DHHL is for PUBLIC USE, it says so in the Hawaii State Constitution, Article 12 Section 4. So sadly you are asking the wrong questions, which is why it is difficult for me to answer your questions over and over, when I have already done so in abundance in my other media. Just check the links that I already gave you. It would be like the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) suing the Federal Government over appropriations. It happens.

Yet the BLM is a public government agency, meant for the benefit of the general public

Then they replied “Furthermore, as part of that settlement, the State has not paid the portion for unauthorized use of building roads on DHHL lands.”

My reply:
Incorrect, the General Fund sends over $34 million a year to DHHL. The alleged non-payment that some protesters talk about, is 5 million dollars. Since the $600 million was paid in 2014, over 100 million more dollars have been paid by the general fund. That 5 million dollars has been paid 20+ times over.


Hawaii State Constitution –

1959 Admissions Act –

1920 HCC Act –

Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawai’i? By Jon M. Van Dyke –’e%20%24600%20million%20settlement%20hawaii&pg=PA252#v=onepage&q=transfer&f=false

How to Demolish Racism: Lessons from the State of Hawai’i By Michael Haas

Status of Lands after Statehood –

Proof the settlement of Act 14 has been paid –

DHHL Budget (still getting money from the general fund AFTER the $600,000,000 has been paid)

Office of Hawaiian Affairs STILL getting money from the general fund (all taxpayers, even those who are NOT beneficiaries)

State Issues Joint Statement On Mauna Kea Access Road Jurisdiction

New Hawaiian Group

More Lies coming from the Kia’i?


Did any of you see the short documentary, “The Calling” that was created by Hawaii News Now? Short clips of what’s happening up on the Mauna?
In that documentary, Noe Noe Wong was captured saying, “negotiations by the Kia’i have been occurring all along. Just because we don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not happening.” But on the other hand, she will say, “This is a victory because we have finally been given options rather than being told what to do.” So in other words, if they weren’t calling the shots and getting their way, then there would be no cooperation. I hardly call that fair negotiating. Six months of it too. And I think if serious negotiations were truly happening as she claims, that we all would have heard about it one way or another. Island is big but very small by way of useless gossip and hearsay.
She continues to say that they are currently preparing for trial. What trial? Back in September, they made a public announcement that they would be pursuing a lawsuit. We were also given a 90-day time frame as to when that would happen. So far, nothing. What and who exactly would they be suing I ask? The same people that pay more than $35million annually into their racist organizations without benefiting from it? The state, county, OHA, DHHL and law enforcement who took the side of their ridiculous “calling?” TMT for legally holding all permits required to move forward with their project? The government for not stepping in and upholding U.S. laws? The people that all donated their time and money to their cause? So I’m confused? Who are you suing exactly? Sounds like more baseless rhetoric to me! If anybody needs to sue it’s the non-native taxpayers. It seems to me that everybody will say and do just anything at this point to save their own lawless arse! And there’s a lot of arse covering at this point I would assume. Like I have said over and over again prove it Kia’i! Words are nothing without supporting documentation or evidence to support your claims. Nope! We still aren’t drinking your kool-aid. Try again!
Signed – Lisa Malakaua
Hilo resident

Clearing the Mauna Kea Access Road December 26th 2019

To whom it may concern,
  For the deadline of today (December 26th 2019) that Governor Ige has given for the protesters to clear the road, or risk being arrested.I wanted to make it very clear, that the people that I know (who are many) that want the road cleared, have almost all voiced their concern that the road opening remain peaceful.The protesters have raised concerns that during the road clearing that the protesters have been threatened with “heavy handed tactics”.  They have released multiple videos and social media posts with this concern.
I wanted to let the Hawaii county government know that the reason that this protest grew so much, and the reason why there are so many emotions stirred up is because the county mishandled this from the beginning, by not arresting every single protester up there on July 17th.  Rather than just a handful of people.
So do not put all of the blame on the protesters for the County’s mistakes.   By all means, we support you arresting everyone who is not clearing the road.  Because their blockade violates the rights of hundreds of thousands of tax paying residents in Hawaii as well as tourists and the TMT project.   However, please keep it as peaceful as possible.   Any un-necessary use of force will be met with resistance from many citizens of Hawaii County, who are not on the side of the protesters.  
We trust that this process will remain peaceful  In fact, many of us are pretty sure that the county is not even serious about clearing the road today.  The county appears to be completely inept at handling this kind of thing.However, if the road is cleared today, we expect a peaceful and favorable outcome for all Hawaii residents.
I made this video on Youtube today, to express my concerns.


Governor Ige’s Press Conference on December 19th 2019

Mauna Kea Visitor Center Reopens