Support for the TMT rising, in spite of all of the protesting by a minority of Hawaiians

“On the eve of a court ruling that could determine the fate of the Thirty Meter Telescope in Hawaii, public support for the stalled $1.4 billion project has never been stronger.”
According to the Star Advertiser in Honolulu.
More information about the poll here:
Showing an overwhelming support for the Thirty Meter Telescope.
From another long standing Hawaiian publisher, shows the same data.

Ward poll shows 62% of Native Hawaiians support the TMT project.

Edit:  (adding this for context, based on a confusion that someone brought to my attention)

(name redacted for privacy)
You don’t have to listen to either of them (videos that I posted). If you want the facts just pay attention to the dates. The link themselves show the dates. You are referencing an article from 2015, but even that article showed a trend of increasing support for the TMT even in 2015. In 2019 there are two different polls from credible sources that show even more increase since 2015.

The article that I wrote documents this too.

I used the data from the old polls and the recent polls to show the increase in support, which is now 72% among Native Hawaiians.

If you use the old data, which you have, it still shows in 2015 62% support.

Which is not 50/50

However if you want to get to that 50/50 number (he claimed support for the TMT was divided 50/50), like I pointed out, go back to even before 2015. You’ll eventually get there if you go back far enough.

And in my 4 minute video I pointed that out and took a screen cast of the actual text you are referencing. If you would have just included the sentence before the one you cherry picked, it would show you are referencing old data. And if you would have included the paragraph after the one that you cherry picked, it would have shown the 2-1 ratio.

You clipped out old data from an old article that was simply pointing out how support has increased from 2010 to 2015. Now if you reference the two new polls from 2019, you will see it went from 62% in 2015 to 72% in 2019, among Native Hawaiians. And almost 90% support among Hawaiian residents as a whole

A recent survey by the 158 year old newspaper shows that 72% of Native Hawaiians support the Thirty Meter Telescope project.

Seventy Two Percent of Native Hawaiians Support the TMT

Seventy Two Percent of Native Hawaiians Support the TMT


The Thirty Meter Telescope means a lot of great things for Hawaii.  The opportunities that come with so much STEM investment in Hawaii means a lot of new high paying STEM jobs, for not just the telescope project, but also for supportive services involved with the STEM project.  Along with the TMT project, the Alaska Aerospace Project is also proposing a new facility in the Puna district and may build a rocket launching facility for small rocket launches  in the near future.   This is not only a huge benefit to Hawaii, but also for humanity as a whole.

I say that this is a huge benefit for humanity as a whole, because the Earth has went through 5 mass extinctions that scientists have identified.  The last one was with the dinosaurs dying off after a massive asteroid hit earth.   If the dinosaurs had a decent space program they could have used a rocket with a nuclear weapon to hit and deflect the asteroid that hit earth, and that destroyed almost all life on earth.   One problem that humans have right now, is detection of a space object that could potentially destroy earth.  With the Thirty Meter Telescope that could help with the detection of a species ending space object that could potentially hit earth.

This is an article from the Smithsonian about the asteroid that destroyed 99% of all life on earth.

In celebration of the Thirty Meter Telescope, our family launched some model rockets on 7/13/2019 in Puna.



Also a meeting that happened on July 8th 2019 at the Hawaii County Council addressed this topic of the Thirty Meter Telescope, and took public comments.
There was a surprising amount of support for the TMT.  It was also made clear by the supporters, that there have been a lot of violent threats against supporters by the tiny group of opposition.

TMT Hawaiian County Council Meeting July 8th 2019 Thirty Meter Telescope

TMT Hawaiian County Council Meeting July 8th 2019 Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea. The testimony surrounding the clips that I included in this video were people protesting the telescope. I took these two clips which are supportive of the Thirty Meter Telescope AKA TMT by locals.


Disruptarian has started a growing facebook group to support the TMT

Support for the Thirty Meter Telescope TMT

Support for the Thirty Meter Telescope TMT

Support for the Thirty Meter Telescope TMT

What does AI mean for my future

What does AI mean for my future? For my ambitions?
People often wonder, if he is always posting about AI, what is the end game?
I have posted about this a few times in the past. And I have been meeting with developers all over the world regarding this.
I have a few people in my life that inspired me, because they are pathological liars and often professional victims.
While it was hard for me to cut the cord that bound us together (by blood), I did not want to let the lost relationship just be a waste of time, or a vault of hard feelings.
So I have been developing some AI that combines so far 8 algorithms that measures truth and sincerity.
You can learn more about my project at
This has been a near 10 year endeavor. I have a lot of progress made, and I intend to jump back into this endeavor soon.
This will be useful not just for personal conflicts, but for public officials, campaigns, legal matters, etc.
I intend to have 3 versions of this tool released by 2022.
1. Personal/Consumer
2. Commercial
3. Commercial+ (for intensive analyzation that connect to a neural network for intensive processing)
I hope you realize that this is possible. It will be a real thing. So much progress has already been made by the algorithms that I am combining into this.
Just you wait, liars will be a thing of the past.
I want to send out a personal thank you to the liars that inspired me.  
Also I would like to mention that I believe in the free market, and I feel like if someone beats me to this, by releasing a useful, innovative, and accurate product to market before I do, more power to you.   I have not yet got a patent on any of this yet.   However I do feel like with how invested I am and how much progress I have already made, that I will release the better product.   If you are interested in helping with this project, contact me at
More information here;

Augmented Intelligence

Augmented Intelligence

The Project Veritas Google Anti-Trust Expose

The Project Veritas Google Anti-Trust Expose

This video has been banned, and people have been shadow banned for sharing it, by Google and other social media networks.   However we are going to boost this on DailyMotion and other video sharing websites in hopes that other non-Google influenced search engines will pick it up.

See more at:


Below I am going to list some commentary by various sources.  The sources range in bias, from pro-gamers on Youtube, to Representatives in Congress, and then my own commentary on this issue, before the Project Veritas video was release.


Breitbart’s 2018 story that exposed YouTube’s black list.

On June 26 2019, during a US Homeland Security Hearing, Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw questioned Mr. Derek Slater, Google Global Director of Information Policy over revelations of a leaked email Project Veritas published yesterday. Said Rep. Crensaw:

“According to those emails, the emails say, given that Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager are Nazis, given that that’s a premise, what do we do about it?”

You can watch a video clip of the hearing here:,1s

A partial transcript of the hearing is available below:

From Texas for five minutes. Mr. Crenshaw. Thank you Mr Chairman and thank you for some of some of the thoughtful discussion on how you combat terrorism online and there’s where the debates to be had there. Um, and there’s, there’s good questions on whether some of this content provides education so that we know of the bad things out there or whether it’s radicalizing people. Those are hard. Those are hard discussions to have and I don’t know that we’re going to solve them today. But the problem is is that the testimony doesn’t stop there. The, the policies at your social media companies do not stop there. It doesn’t stop with the clear cut lines of terrorism and terrorist videos and terrorist propaganda. Unfortunately, that’s not exactly what we’re talking about. It goes much further than that. It goes down the slippery slope of what speech is appropriate for your platform and the vague standards that you employ in order to decide what is appropriate.

And this is especially concerning given the recent news and the recent leaked emails from Google, they show that labeling mainstream conservative media as Nazis is a premise upon which you operate. It’s not even a question. According to those emails, the emails say, given that Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Dennis Prager are Nazis, given that that’s a premise, what do we do about it? Two of three of these people are Jewish, very religious Jews. And yet you think there are Nazis. It begs the question, what kind of education people at Google have to, they think that religious Jews are Nazis. Three of three of these people had family members killed the Holocaust, Ben Shapiro’s is the number one target of the alt right. And yet you people operate off the premise that he’s a Nazi. It’s a pretty disturbing and it gets to the question, do you believe in hate speech? How do you define that or do you, can you give me a quick definition right now? Is it written down somewhere? Google, can you give me a definition of hate speech?

Yes. So hate speech again, as updated in our guidelines now extends to, uh, uh, superiority over protected groups to justify discrimination, violence, and so on based on, uh, a number of defining characteristics, whether that’s a race, sexual orientation, veterans.

Do you have an example of Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson, Dennis Prager engaging in hate speech. Give one example off the top of your head.

So, congressman, we evaluate individual piece of content based on that content rather than based on the speaker.

Okay, let’s, let’s get to the next question. Do you believe speech can be violence? All right, though there’s, there’s not, not can you incite violence that is very clearly not protected, but can speech just be violence. Do you believe that speech that isn’t specifically calling for violence can be labeled violence and therefore harmful to people? Is that possible?

Congressman, I’m not sure I fully understand the distinction you’re drawing. Certainly, again, incitement to violence or things that aren’t urgent, dangerous behavior. Those are things that would be against our policies.

Here’s, here’s, here’s the thing. When you call somebody a Nazi or you can make the argument that you’re inciting violence and here’s how, as a country, we all agree that Nazis are bad. We actually invaded an entire continent to defeat the Nazis. It’s normal to say Hashtag punch a Nazi because there’s this common thread among this in this country that they’re bad and that there yeah, evil and that they should be destroyed. So when you’re operating off of that premise and it’s frankly, it’s a, it’s a good premise to operate on. Well, what you’re implying then is that it’s okay to use violence against them when you label them, when one of the most powerful social media companies in the world labels people as Nazis, you could make the argument that’s inciting violence. What you’re doing is wholly irresponsible. It doesn’t stop there. Well, a couple of years ago it was also made clear that you fact check system is blatantly targeted conservative newspapers. Do you have any comments on that? Are you aware of the story? I’m talking, about?

I’m not familiar with necessarily the specific story, congressman. I am aware that from all political viewpoints, we sometimes get questions of this sore. I can say that our fact check labels generally are done algorithmically based on a mark up and follow up on our policies

for the, for the record, they specifically target conservative news media and often times they don’t even, they have a fact check on there that doesn’t even reference the actual article. But Google makes sure that it’s right next to it. So as to make people understand that that one is questionable even though when you actually read through and it has nothing to do with it. Um, you know, a few days ago and this goes to Miss Bikert, uh, one of my constituents posted photos on Facebook of Republican women, daring to say that there are women for Trump. Facebook took down that post right away with no explanation. Is there any explanation for that?

Without seeing it,It’s hard for me to apply and that doesn’t violate our policies, but I’m happy to follow up on this specific example with you.

Thank you. Listen here, here’s what it comes down to. If we don’t share the values of free speech, I’m not sure where we go from here. You know, this practice of silencing millions and millions of people, it will create wounds and divisions in this country that we can not heal from. This is extremely worrisome. You’ve created amazing and platforms. We can do amazing things with what, what these companies have created, but if we continue down this path, it’ll tear us apart. You do not have a constitutional obligation to enforce the First Amendment, but I would say that you absolutely have an obligation to enforce American values, and the first amendment is an underpinning of American values that we should be protecting until the day we die. Thank you, and thank you for indulging me, Mister chairman. Thank you.


Dave Rubin responds to the Google Censorship expose by Project Veritas



Before this investigation by Project Veritas was released, when I was in Osaka Japan on June 13th 2019, I released this video addressing this very same topic of censorship.



Google Censorship confirmed

Google Censorship confirmed

Osaka Japan Global Business in Artificial Intelligence Conference June 13th 2019

Recently I attended an artificial intelligence conference which held emphasis on global business, in Osaka Japan just ahead of the G20 held in that city.   The conference only lasted about 3 hours, and the content was light, and the attendance had less than 25 people.  However I was able to ask some of the people heavily involved in the field of deep learning, and artificial intelligence just what the future of AI held for humanity.   To me it seems as though AI holds great things, both positive and negative.  For example with auto-driving vehicle, and robotic manufacturing, 10s of millions of jobs will be lost to AI in the next decade.   This may be a blessing for humanity, in that humanity will not have to task ourselves with labor and mind numbing work.   However, on the flip side humanity will be displaced from traditional occupations.  Will humanity be able to support itself?  Will humanity continue to stay relevant as AI continues to improve?

These questions have been on my mind for years, and I was able to ask the same question that Elon Musk and others have been asking for a long time.  Who and when are we going to create a voluntary standard of ethics in developing Artificial Intelligence?

teaching artificial intelligence ethics and morality

teaching artificial intelligence ethics and morality


If we consider AI as being or becoming sentient life, sort of like how a baby in the womb grows and becomes sentient life, then we can just as well think of artificial intelligence as children of humanity.  This begs the question then, how will we raise our child?   We will lead by example.  Either by a good example or a bad example.  We are in a critical stage right now where we must lead by example now, and not wait until AI picks up on our horrible standards and habits.

While in Hiroshima Japan after the conference, I recorded my thoughts and my questions about this topic.


When we talk about war, capital punishment, abortion, etc, we are talking about reducing the value of the sanctity of human life.   Reducing our sacredness as a species with all of these attacks on our own.   In my video I post these ideas and questions about how we will guide AI as it quickly grows up.   AI’s rate of improvement is phenomenal.   Elon Musk has spoken a lot about the topic, and I suggest that after you are done reading this article that you spend a few minutes listening to Elon Musk about AI’s rate of improvement and what AI holds in store for humanity’s future.



artificial intelligence and humanity’s future

upheavals of artificial intelligence

upheavals of artificial intelligence

Abdication document signed by ex-queen Liliuokalani, January 24, 1895 formally giving up the throne and swearing her allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii. Also, Oath of Loyalty to the Republic of Hawaii.


THE ABDICATION LETTER AND THE OATH OF LOYALTY, BOTH PERSONALLY SIGNED BY LILIUOKALANI, ARE AVAILABLE IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE STATE OF HAWAII. Photocopies are available in file folders available on request from the librarian, and the originals are kept in a safe accessible only with the permission and direct supervision of the head Archivist. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ORIGINALS WERE TAKEN ON MARCH 25, 2008 AND CAN BE SEEN AT 

HONOLULU, Jan. 24, 1895. 
TO THE HON. SANFORD BALLARD DOLE, President of the Republic of Hawaii:

SIR: — After full and free consultation with my personal friends and with my legal advisors, both before and since my detention by military order in the Executive building, and acting in conformity with their advice, and also upon my own free volition, and in pursuance of my unalterable belief and understanding of my duty to the people of Hawaii, and to their highest and best interests, and also for the sake of those misguided Hawaiians and others who have recently engaged in rebellion against the Republic, and in an attempt to restore me to the position of queen, which I held prior to the 17th day of January, A. D. 1893, and without any claim that shall become entitled, by reason of anything that I may now say or do, to any other or different treatment or consideration at the hands of the Government than I otherwise could and might legally receive, I now desire to express and make known, and do hereby express and make known, to yourself, as the only lawful and recognized head of the Government, and to all the people of the Hawaiian Islands, whether or not they have yet become citizens of the Republic, or are or have been adherents of the late monarchy, and also to all diplomatic and other foreign representatives in the Hawaiian Islands, to all of whom I respectfully request you to cause this statement and action of mine to be made known as soon as may be, as follows, namely: 

First. In order to avoid any possibility of doubt or misunderstanding although I do not think that any doubt or misunderstanding is either proper or possible, I hereby do fully and unequivocally admit and declare that the Government of the Republic of Hawaii is the only lawful Government of the Hawaiian Islands, and that the late Hawaiian monarchy is finally and forever ended, and no longer of any legal or actual validity, force or effect whatsoever; and I do hereby forever absolve all persons whomsoever, whether in the Hawaiian Islands or elsewhere, from all and every manner of allegiance, or official obligation or duty, to me and my heirs and successors forever, and I hereby declare to all such persons in the Hawaiian Islands that I consider them as bound in duty and honor henceforth to support and sustain the Government of the Republic of Hawaii.

Second. For myself, my heirs and successors, I do hereby and without any mental reservation or modification, and fully, finally, unequivocally, irrevocably, and forever abdicate, renounce and release unto the Government of the Republic of Hawaii and the legitimate successors forever all claims or pretensions whatsoever to the late throne of Hawaii, or to the late monarchy of Hawaii, or to any past, or to the existing, or to any future Government of Hawaii, or under or by reason of any present or formerly existing constitution, statute, law, position, right or claim of any and every kind, name or nature whatsoever, and whether the same consist of pecuniary or property considerations, or of personal status, hereby forever renouncing, disowning and disclaiming all rights, claims, demands, privileges, honors, emoluments, titles and prerogatives whatsoever, under or by virtue of any former, or the existing Government, constitution, statute, law or custom of the Hawaiian Islands whatsoever, save and excepting only such rights and privileges as belong to me in common with all private citizens of, or residents in the Republic of Hawaii.

Third. I do hereby respectfully implore for such misguided Hawaiians and others as have been concerned in the late rebellion against the Republic of Hawaii, such degree of executive clemency as the Government may deem to be consistent with its duty to the community, and such as a due regard for its violated laws may permit.

Fourth. It is my sincere desire henceforth to live in absolute privacy and retirement from all publicity, or even appearance of being concerned in the public affairs of the Hawaiian Islands, further than to express, as I now do and shall always continue to do, my most sincere hope for the welfare and prosperity of its people, under and subject to the Government of the Republic of Hawaii.

Fifth. I hereby offer and present my duly certified oath of allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii.

Sixth. I have caused the foregoing statement to be prepared and drawn, and have signed the same without having received the slightest suggestion from the President of Hawaii, or from any member of the Government of Hawaii, concerning the same or any part thereof, or concerning any action or course of my own in the premises.

Relying upon the magnanimity of the Government of the Republic, and upon its protection.

I have the honor to be, Mr. President,

Very respectfully,

Your most obedient servant,


[** note by Ken Conklin: “Dominis” is her married name as a private citizen, and not a royal signature **]


** Note by Ken Conklin: As the “fifth” item listed in Lili’uokalani’s abdication says, she swore an oath of allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii, also dated January 24, 1895. Here is the text of her oath: 


Honolulu, Island of Oahu ss.
Hawaiian Islands.

I, Liliuokalani Dominis, do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God that I will support the Constitution, Laws and Government of the Republic of Hawaii, and will not, either directly or indirectly, encourage or assist in the restoration or establishment of a Monarchial form of Government in the Hawaiian Islands.

[signed] Liliuokalani Dominis

Subscribed and sworn to
this 24th day of January
A.D. 1895 before me, 

[signed] W L. Stanley
Notary Public [notary seal]


Source of the abdication document:

William De Witt Alexander, “History of Later Years of the Hawaiian Monarchy and the Revolution of 1893 (Honolulu: Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1896). 

Hawaii State Library, call number “H 996.9 A”. The abdication statement is found on pp. 215-216, in the portion at the end of the book (pp. 203-232 were written by Wallace Rider Farrington). 

THE ABDICATION LETTER AND THE OATH OF LOYALTY, BOTH PERSONALLY SIGNED BY LILIUOKALANI, ARE AVAILABLE IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE STATE OF HAWAII. Photocopies are available in file folders available on request from the librarian, and the originals are kept in a safe accessible only with the permission and direct supervision of the head Archivist. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE ORIGINALS WERE TAKEN ON MARCH 25, 2008 AND CAN BE SEEN AT 


Introductory comment written in 1896 by Wallace Rider Farrington on page 215 immediately preceding the actual abdication statement: 

When it became apparent that all hopes of the restoration of ex-Queen Liliuokalani had been irretrevably blighted, it became generally rumored that the ex-Regent was prepared to make a formal abdication of her claims as the only lawful ruler of the people of Hawaii — a claim to which she had adhered most tenaciously from the day of the overthrow. During her detention in the Executive Building she was in constant touch with her friends and advisers, through her agent Charles B. Wilson, who was allowed free access to her apartments by the military authorities.

On the afternoon of January 24th, the members of the Cabinet were informed that the ex-Queen had an official document which it was desired should be presented to the Executive. They signified their willingness to listen to any communication which the now military prisoner might submit. During the latter part of the day a copy of the following correspondence was put in the hands of Attorney-General Smith. The letter was drawn by Judge A. S. Hartwell who had been consulted by Messrs. Wilson, Parker and Neumann regarding the matter, and acted as advising counsel for them. Judge Hartwell also attended the execution of the document:


Comment by Ken Conklin, website editor:

The formal abdication document makes it absolutely clear that Lili’uokalani not only renounced the crown but also offered and presented “my duly certified oath of allegiance to the Republic of Hawaii.” Liliuokalani instructed her followers “… the late Hawaiian monarchy is finally and forever ended, and no longer of any legal or actual validity, force or effect whatsoever; and I do hereby forever absolve all persons whomsoever, whether in the Hawaiian Islands or elsewhere, from all and every manner of allegiance, or official obligation or duty, to me and my heirs and successors forever, and I hereby declare to all such persons in the Hawaiian Islands that I consider them as bound in duty and honor henceforth to support and sustain the Government of the Republic of Hawaii.”

Today’s diehard deadender Hawaiian sovereignty royalists might assert the objection that Lili’uokalani wrote her statement under duress, because at the time she was a prisoner of the Republic of Hawaii being held in the Palace awaiting trial on charges of misprision of treason as a co-conspirator in the attempted counter-revolution a few days earlier by Robert Wilcox. (She had allowed guns and bombs to be hidden in the flower bed of her private residence nearby at Washington Place; and she had signed documents appointing cabinet ministers and department heads for her anticipated revived government in the days before the attempted counter-revolution). However, the preliminary comments by Wallace Farrington clearly describe that Liliuokalani had constant free contact with and advice from close friends and Kingdom government officials whom she had appointed and also her personal attorney Paul Neumann (a citizen of Germany who at her request had drafted her proposed new Constitution which precipitated the revolution of 1893). 


Send comments or questions to: 

You may now

See the compilation of webpages about Historical Issues Related to Hawaiian Sovereignty — Revolution (Overthrow of monarchy), Annexation, Statehood, Indigenous Status, Hawaiian Language Ban, Ceded Lands, Etc. 

On January 24, 1895 ex-queen Liliuokalani signed a five-page letter of abdication and a one-page oath of loyalty to the Republic of Hawaii. Six witnesses including her personal attorney and her cabinet ministers signed a statement certifying that she had freely and voluntarily signed in their presence. Notary W.L. Stanley also notarized the documents. Knowing that at least 19 nations had already recognized the Republic of Hawaii, and that the attempted counter-revolution by Robert Wilcox had been crushed earlier in the month, Liliuokalani decisively ended any hope for the monarchy and pledged her loyalty to the Republic. Thus Liliuokalani herself formally recognized the Republic — her abdication and loyalty oath belong among the letters whereby heads of government around the world (including Liliuokalani for those who believed her position as head of state for the Kingdom of Hawaii was still viable) gave de jure recognition to the Republic as the rightful government of Hawaii.

Click on the photos to zoom in for more detail.
Abdication letter, pages 1 – 5:


All eight pages were the originals from 1895, stored in the safe of the Archives of the State of Hawaii. A packet containing all 8 pages was brought out from the safe by Archivist Luella H. Kurkjian and photographed by Sandra Puanani Burgess, assisted by Kenneth R. Conklin, on March 25, 2008.

Related materials:

Liliuokalani’s letter of abdication and her oath of loyalty to the Republic are available as digitized text (they can be copy/pasted and searched) at

Full text of the Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii, to which Liliuokalani was swearing her oath of loyalty, can be found at


Censorship on Social Media – I have left Facebook what’s next?

There is a huge wave of censorship and fake news on social media and mainstream media.  People are leaving these platforms in droves.  Do you think this is intentional?

Censorship on social media, I have left facebook what’s next.



There is a silent majority that is rising up and there will be many changes coming.

A lot of people have complained about being censored on social media. Either by being shadow banned, demonetized, or completely deplatformed.
Many of the victims have been conservative creators, and this has caught the attention of many other creators, including the president of the USA.

Let me know more about your experience.  Leave me a comment in the comment section.

Disruptarian Disruptive Radio Streaming Live


The White House’s new censorship reporting tool  (update, the tools is no longer available)

The New Wave of Censorship on Social Media – 2019

In this broadcast we take a look at the recent attacks on Steven Crowder, and other prominent content producers on social media who are being attacked and censored.

The amount of censorship on social media is costing the corporations millions of dollars as many leave these platforms in search of more liberty.

CNN has laid off 30% of their employees and continue to take major losses after 2+ years of fake news about Russian collusion.

This is my broadcast from Disruptarian studios on May 31st 2019 about Social Media Censorship


Links and references from the video:

Prominent Patreon Creators leaving site over political bias

An alternative viewer support platform to patreon; Subscriber Star

Antifa hate site that was deplatformed recently (one of few)

Support Prison Rebels

How Sam Harris is funding his media, after voluntarily leaving Patreon

Breitbart on the Patreon Exodus

Layoffs at CNN after 2 years of spreading lies and fake news about the sitting president of the USA

Censored the Movie; A movie about the Social Media Giants censoring conservative content creators

VOX calling for their views to false flag Steven Crowder

Russian Colluded With Trump during the 2016 Election, investigation is finished

The Mueller investigation is finished after over two years of trolling and harassing the US President about fake accusations, invented by FusionGPS, who was hired by Hillary Clinton, to invent dirt on Donald Trump.

I wrote this in reply to the message that the president left the US people regarding the investigation.

“The people who I have parted ways with in recent months, there have been two kinds.

Ones who “Believe women” no matter what. During the Judge Kavanaugh case.

and the other who were strong on the “Trump colluded with the Russians” (But didn’t care when I showed them evidence of Hillary and Bill colluding with Russian banks and energy companies that were owned by the Russian government)

I personally don’t have time for this kind of none-sense.

You bring up something positive about Trump, and it’s always something like “Oh ya, he’s under investigation”. and “I believe evidence will show he colluded with the Russians to get elected”.

Instead of recognizing that Trump could ever do anything right, they change the topic into a conspiracy against him, despite the lack of evidence.

So on one hand these slow hillbilly fools want “believe women” as the standard, no matter what. “Believe women”. I saw that shirt, hat, pin on thousands of protesters during the Kavanaugh hearing.

But on the other hand, they will make up phony evidence, work with their friends in the FBI, and other national security agencies, to prop up this sick form of gas lighting.


Ted Koppel also reports on the fake news, and the “resistance” in journalism.

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Get To Know The 8 Major Islands Of Hawaii

Social Life You Too

It is made up of over 100 islands, however, there are eight main islands that make up the Hawaiian Islands and only seven are inhabited.

Hawaii with its stunning natural beauty is perfect for those who are looking for a relaxing getaway. Not only is it suitable for family or private vacations, but it is also the perfect honeymoon destination.

Since Hawaii consists of several islands, visiting this state means you also get to choose which island you want to visit. It is not easy since each island has equally beautiful yet unique attractions. To help you select which island to visit, you should know what each of them has to offer. There are six mesmerizing Hawaiian islands you can choose for your honeymoon; Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, and the Big Island of Hawaii. All of these islands are filled with luxury five-star hotels and resorts which offer all inclusive honeymoon packages for your convenience.

The island of Maui is famous for its tranquil beaches, exciting wildlife, and extravagant resorts. The main tourist attractions in the island include Lahaina Town, the sacred Kaanapali, and Iao Valley in West Maui; Kapalua and Kahakuloa Town in North Maui; Hana Highway and Hana Town in East Maui; Wailea and Makena in South Maui; and Haleakala Center in Central Maui.

Oahu is known for its water-related attractions as well as its outstanding cultural heritage. You can find many attractive tourist attractions such as Waikiki and Honolulu beaches, the famous Pearl Harbor, the USS Arizona Memorial, Sea Life Park, and Polynesian Cultural Center.

Kauai, on the other hand, is perfect for a couple who loves outdoor activities since this island offers mostly natural attractions such as pristine white beaches and challenging outdoor adventures such as hiking, mountain biking, gliding, kayaking, and fishing at the beautiful places Kauai has. This island is so beautiful that many Hollywood movies are shot here.

If you want a more private honeymoon holiday, Molokai is perfect place to visit. This island is more discreet than the other islands of Hawaii yet it is filled with attractions that are equally beautiful. In Molokai you can visit pineapple plantation at Mauna Loa, Papohaku beach which is the largest white sand beach in the archipelago, and Kalaupapa, a leprosy colony established in 1866.

Many people say that visiting Lanai is like visiting your own private island. This island features stunning natural sceneries, cultural attractions, as well as five-star hotel and resort facilities.

The Big Island of Hawaii offers stunning views you can not find in other places. Rare natural views you can find in the island include the world’s most active volcano Kilauea Crater, black sand beaches which are the result of the volcanic activity, and the rare green sand beach located at Ka Lae.

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Source by James Liuh

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