A climatic film to honor the bravery and selflessness of the Kenosha Kid (Kyle Rittenhouse)

Kyle Rittenhouse being attacked by a mob

A climatic film to honor the bravery and selflessness of the Kenosha Kid (Kyle Rittenhouse)

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Disruptarian and Clovis Star Media has created a quick climatic film to honor the bravery and selflessness of the Kenosha Kid (Kyle Rittenhouse)

2 men were killed during this very violent riot. Both Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber had assaulted Kyle Rittenhouse before getting shot. Joseph Rosenbaum had been filmed instigating violence all night. Seconds before he was shot, he was filmed chasing 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse, and throwing items at Kyle, before plowing right in to where Kyle was trying to take cover and hide from the assailant who also was a sex predator who was supposed to stay away from kids Kyle’s age.

Trump chimed in and said basically the same thing as above.

I am glad that this happened, although my heart breaks for Kyle Rittenhouse, and the families and the people who have been effected by this tragic violence in these Jacob Black riots in and around Kenosha Wisconsin.

As Tim Pool says in these clips, “you don’t try to grab the barrel of an AR and take it away from someone” and the girl says “that is suicidal”.
These people assaulted this 17 year old kid who showed up, after serving as a lifeguard earlier that day in Kenosha, and he came to give medical aid to those who got hurt. He recognized the violence and chaos of the situation and he armed himself. Good for this kid for standing up for himself.

This is a short film that I made to document this night that made Kyle Rittenhouse known forever as the Kenosha Kid.


A few days earlier I had given more documentation about the event, clip by clip, and I filled in details that the main stream media left out.

The main stream media seem to find it difficult to believe that this 17 year old kid, who works as a life guard in Kenosha, volunteered to help with medical aid, and then ended up getting attacked and had to defend himself in a riot. But those are the facts. he kids works there, and he volunteered to help because he has medical training.
No the gun did not come to Kenosha with him, nor did it cross state lines with him. So what is the major problem, that he defended himself against a violent mob who had been attacking him physically and chasing him around, and then tried to grab his gun away?

I commend Kyle Rittenhouse. My prayers are with him.

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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