Alternative News

Brewed in the Cradle of Civilization: The Secrets of Sumerian Beer

Brewed in the Cradle of Civilization: The Secrets of Sumerian Beer

Advertisement:   From the grandeur of the pyramids to the sophistication of the ancient Greeks, history has given us many wonders. But without question, the most revelatory discovery has been that of beer. Not just any beer, mind you, but Sumerian beer—the frothy nectar brewed over 5,000 years ago by our ancient Mesopotamian friends. We’re […]

Unleashing the Digital Time Machine:’s Wondrous Perks!

Unleashing the Digital Time Machine:’s Wondrous Perks! Step into the fascinating world of, a digital treasure trove ready to amaze! With its magical powers, this time machine offers a cheerful journey into history. From vintage websites to forgotten music, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the past, embrace the joy!

Ground Hog Day

Privacy take down at youtube

Apparently a privacy violation does not count against a youtuber’s rating on youtube. Because an unmentioned person (though I suspect that I know who it is), file a “privacy claim”. Youtube wrote me, and mentioned the complaint. I then filed my evidence that the photos were blurred out. In fact they started grayed out, until […]