
Men and Women Relationships 2023 Disruptarian’s view on this

https://youtu.be/KcfC7t8ziLk The “woke” movement has become a prominent force in our society, sparking intense debates and discussions across various platforms. As an entrepreneur and innovator, I believe in objectively assessing the pros and cons of any social or cultural movement. In this article, I will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of the woke movement, […]

Patriarchy toxicity vs. Matriarchy toxicity, which is most toxic

There is a lot to say on this subject, male vs. female toxicity. This is a video that I made to illustrate the state of the gender gaps. Comedy: Patriary toxicity vs. Matriarchy toxicity, is there one more toxic than the other? https://www.publichealthpost.org/databyte/men-hard-at-work/ https://afsp.org/suicide-statistics/ (suicide statistics and demographics https://www.statista.com/chart/11573/gender-of-inmates-in-us-federal-prisons-and-general-population/ (Gender of inmates in federal prisons) […]

ReOpen Hawaii July 2020

Governor David Ige boasts the need for government intervention for a problem that they caused

Gov. Ige has finally revealed the inevitable result that most competent people understood months ago, and what we have written about several times both here on Disruptarian Radio, and on www.ElectRyan.org The Federal Money is drying up. Tax income is drying up. The economy is still shut down to interstate travel. A recent lawsuit was […]

White Guilt and Black Lives Matters

Tell me a little bit more about “white privilege”

I benefit from being an American.“White privilege”, no fking way. I have no affirmative action that leans to benefit me, whether or not I’ve earned itI have no United (ethnic specific) college fundI have no civil rights organization that stands up for me specifically because of my ethnicityAnd MANY peer reviewed studies show that incident […]

Coronavirus Outbreak Laboratory Research

Updates about the COVID-19 virus

I wanted to note a few things that I reviewed today about the COVID-19 virus. One thing that I want to emphasize, is Ron Paul’s warning that the US government, as well as other governments, have sort of a “perfect storm” in that they have plenty of reason to capitalize on the fear and gain […]


COVID-19 Race for a cure

A lot of energy in the world to solve the problem that is growing with the so-called “Corona Virus” aka COVID-19. As of right now, I have family within 6000 miles, (Hawaii, Mainland US, and Ireland) who are getting slowly locked down more and more in their lives to preemptively quarantine for the avoidance of […]


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