
Bernie Sanders Campaign Workers Violence

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas exposes a South Carolina Field Organizer for Bernie Sanders

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas exposes a South Carolina Field Organizer for Bernie Sanders MIRRORED. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas exposes Martin Weissgerber a South Carolina Field Organizer for Bernie Sanders, “Do we just dissolve the Senate, House of Representatives, the Judicial Branch, and have somebody like Bernie Sanders and a cabinet of people make […]

Hawaii history live chat

Our bi-weekly call-in event – update

I wanted to inform our audience of our live call in show which I want to be able to host every two weeks.However I tried to host this on January 2nd 2020, and I had a technical difficulty. An audience member called me out on it, saying “why did you blame it on google”. So […]

appeals court rules against annexation claim

Appeals Court again rules against claim that annexation was illegal

Republished from: https://www.ilind.net/2020/01/04/intermediate-court-of-appeals-again-rules-against-claim-that-annexation-was-not-legal/ Posted on January 4, 2020 by Ian Lind  On the morning of December 11, 2019, three judges of the Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals convened in the Supreme Court Courtroom in downtown Honolulu to hear oral arguments in an appeal in the case of State of Hawaii vs. Windyceslau D. Lorenzo, also known as Kamehameha […]

Hawaii Big Island Aerial

Get To Know The 8 Major Islands Of Hawaii

It is made up of over 100 islands, however, there are eight main islands that make up the Hawaiian Islands and only seven are inhabited. Hawaii (the Big Island) People watching lava flow into the ocean. … Maui. Think stock Images/Getty Images. … Oahu. Diamond Head and Waikiki Beach. … Kauai. … Molokai. … Lanai. … Niihau. … Kahoolawe. Hawaii with its stunning natural beauty is perfect for those […]

Ryan Utah Pirate Radio

What is the Duration Of Pirate Radio USA

In the United States, the term pirate radio implies the unlicensed broadcasting use of any part of the radio spectrum  that is reserved for use by governmental, public or commercial licensees by the Federal Communications Commission. This includes the FM, AM and shortwave radio bands. Compared to authoritarian systems of government which restrict access to the means of communication, the airwaves of the USA are relatively […]


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