Conversations about Hawaiian History 2020

Hawaiian Sovereignty

Conversations about Hawaiian History 2020

I have gotten a wave of new comments, threats and challenges since I announced that I want to run for a local elected office in Hawaii.

Out of nowhere, after almost 4 months of getting no comments on my old youtube videos, I am now getting a new wave of comments on videos that I made nearly 2 years ago.

This is a video that I made many months after settling in Hawaii (after spending much of the last decade here). This video came out in August of 2018. Before the Jennifer Ruggles protest, before the huge stand off on Mauna Kea. I gave my perspective of what I see both in current times, and historical times. I used credible sources, and I even lent my empathy to the struggle.

When I first settled permanently in Hawaii, I was in favor of Hawaii’s independence from the USA, or at very least a vast revision of US law in Hawaii, such as repealing the Jones Act, and other encumbrances. I still have every intention to help relieve Hawaii of the tainted and unfair Jones Act. However, I am not onboard with the independence/sovereignty movement like I started out. I will explain below.

This is a clip from a conversation that I am having at the video above:

@D Lo says: “I can prove all your claims to be false each n every one of them.

@Disruptarian Radio (me) replied: That is FAR more respectable than name calling and threats, I accept your challenge

@D Lo says: You are so distanted from actual events that you make up a story that has no validity.

@Disruptarian Radio (me) replied: Your talk is big. I hope your proof is better

@D Lo says: Each of your claims can n have already been dismissed by a much more qualified source than yourself but yet you sing the same tune n say you wanna be educated.

@Disruptarian Radio (me) replied: And if you are referring to the common characters such as David Sai, his claims have been disproven over and over again by much more qualified and respectable people as well. But this is no longer about them. This is about YOU disproving my claim, as you promised above. I’ll be waiting. You should document it via video

@D Lo says: You have some sort of ill feelings towards the Hawaiian people it comes across as racist n plain stupidity.

@Disruptarian Radio (me) replied: So you have devolved back to name calling. Many of my best friends are Kanaka Maoli heritage and ancestry, and they don’t agree with you or David Sai either. I respect truth, it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity

@D Lo says: Nobody in their right mind would believe anything you say because of your attitude n no aloha spirit you project

@Disruptarian Radio (me) replied: Bro, so far you have done nothing but cast ill will, name calling and threats. You haven’t even attempted to have a conversation yet. Is that YOUR version of Aloha?

@D Lo says: If you watch the ceremony of lowering of the Hawaiian flag n the actual swearing in of insurgant Sanford dole, with the fake document of a so called treaty or resolution.

@Disruptarian Radio I wasn’t there. You weren’t there. But there were many kanaka there in support of Sanford Dole. Many Kanaka added their names to the Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii. Your faulty thinking is that it is US verses THEM. And you seem to think that ALL Kanaka think and feel the way that you do. Well they don’t. I have proven that over and over again

For the full conversation, see the video comments at: The story of Hawaiian Sovereignty from a Haole who lives in Hawaii

This has gone on for two days, and because some comments have been deleted in the process, I have screen-recorded the exchange, so that nothing is left out in a series of videos.

In one exchange in the many comments back and forth, I stated:

@D Lo its easy for me to dispell your logic or claims about me. I simply don’t buy into your racism. But I’m not an “America is best” or “USA is best” kine guy. Because I have for years and still do support Puerto Rican independence Maybe stop using violence and racism and you will find more support

This is absolutely the case. I lived in Puerto Rico for over a year, until Hurricane Maria wiped out the island, blew over our house, and sunk our boat. While I was there, I saw the mistreatment of Puerto Rico by the USA, and such terrible impositions such as the Jones Act there. I favored and supported the Puerto Rican Independence movement as a result.

I stated this to D Lo:

@D Lo you would be surprised about how I feel about the mismanagement of the USA. I agree with a lot of claims by a lot of different independence movements. I am and was a proud supporter of Puerto Rican independence from the USA. BUT..

1. They didn’t use lies and fake history to make their claim
2. They don’t raise racism to further their movement

I agree with Puerto Ricans on independence based on the pure fact that the USA is not good for the island there. I started out thinking that the Hawaiian independence movement was much the same. Until I realized how much racism you all use to further your cause. I am against racism and therefore I will not support a racist movement But I can show you the many videos that I made while I was in Puerto Rico supporting their independence Quit using racism. Honey attracts more than salt brah

This is one video that I cast in support of my Puerto Rican and Latin American friends

This is a video that I made for Trump about the Hurricane Maria recovery, and I will tell you I was not happy with him. He was insensitive and crass, and ignorant to Puerto Rican people. So I sent this to the White House.

Response to Trump about Puerto Rico, aid to PR

So to say that I am just a Pro-USA or Pro-American or Pro-Trump guy, that would be OBVIOUSLY and DRASTICALLY inaccurate.

I pursue TRUTH and JUSTICE. Regardless of which country it is from.


Ryan Thompson

About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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