DJ With Disruptarian

Do you have some disruptive ideas, and disruptive content to blast across the air waves? Disruptarian wants to partner with like-minded disruptive DJ’s, who have some of their own content to offer the station.
We are looking for people who have differing view on economics, spirituality, culture and counter-culture, and who have a disruptive genre of music to spin.

We are not looking for establishment media types, or your mixed tapes that you made for your girlfriend. We are looking for DJ’s who will challenge the establishment, and facilitate a gaping void in today’s spurious culture.

We have filled 10 hours of 168 hours on our DJ spots. The rest of the unfilled hours are currently playing our automix of various artists from various genres. We play everything from Jazz, Swing, SKA, Reggae, Skinhead reggae, 70’s Punk, 80’s punk, Skate music, Surf Music, Gaelic Irish, Gaelic Scottish, and many others. We don’t play pop-culture music, nor are we seeking DJ’s who spin that kind of music.

Contact Ryan Thompson