Doxing in Paradise

Cancel Culture in Paradise

Doxing in Paradise

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In my experience in Hawaii, long before I ever announced that I would be running for office, and long before I knew anyone personally who had been harassed here. I have noticed a tradition of doxxing people on the internet in Hawaii, aka Cyber Harassment.

This goes back to last September when the Mauna Kea protests were happening, and during Ikaika Marzo’s live stream, his viewers were doxing police officers, and putting $5000 bounties on their heads.

Here is information about the doxing, and the bounties.

This goes back even further with a public figure that I have followed on social media. Dr. Kenneth Conklin.
The same group followed him around, stalked him, put out false information and on multiple occasions attempted harm on him and his reputation. Reference:

Now to recently in the past couple of weeks, I have had the same kind of cyber stalking and harassment, as have multiple other Hawaiian Political Candidates. Recently we saw this come up on Twitter with a post by

Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp

Rumors and Slander Against Caucasian Candidates in Hawaii A tweet by Adam Keawe Manalo-Camp suggests that 4 political candidates for the 2020 election in Hawaii are actually “White Nationalists” and also saying in a tweet that he deleted, they are “White Supremacists”. I contacted Adam, sent him a cease and desist request, and he took the posts down. But Adam is certainly not the only one doing this.

This is part of the new wave of “Cancel Culture” in the USA. Where if a speaker comes to a University, like Ben Shapiro or Candice Owens, the shadowy figures opposed to such speakers use whatever means possible to shut them down. Even if the tactics are deceitful, threatening, or down right harassment.

Cancel culture refers to the popular practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. Cancel culture is generally discussed as being performed on social media in the form of group shaming.”

I have a in-law that I haven’t spoken to in 18 years, but aligns with these left-wing tyrants and has been known to be a Bernie Sanders supporter, which is common for cancel-culture types. Who has doxed me, spread lies about and has been obsessive with me for decades trying to use my political stances to degrade me.
He didn’t like it when I showed his public police record. So now he has created an entire youtube channel dedicated to me. ROFL

I guess I should be flattered?

Dave Chappelle wraps this up nicely

Dave Chappelle on cancel-culture

Last but not least, another Big Island resident with a severe case of Doxing and Cancel Culture effect is Rosanne Barr.

Cancel Culture in Paradise
Cancel Culture in Paradise

Watch out for these mental midgets. Facts and reason doesn’t work with them. If they can’t use logic to express themselves, they will harass and defame you.

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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