Eddie Bravo Understands “Republican Family Values” Now
From the Joe Rogan Show 01/09/2020, this is where Eddie Bravo breaks down that when he was younger he was liberal, and most comedians identified as Democrat/Liberal, and that people had a prejudice against Republicans that they were hill-billies from Alabama who were “shuving Christianity down people’s throats” and that they were trying to ruin everyone’s fun. But now as an adult with children, he understands the “Republican Family Values”. He is a lot like myself. I don’t identify as a Republican. I am not registered as a republican, and aside from Ron Paul (who most Republicans would probably say he is “not republican”), I haven’t ever voted for a Republican. But I get it also.
Taken from Fight Companion 01/9/20: https://youtu.be/fM5IYSZeGCY
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