Fascism vs. Non-Fascism: Separating Fact from Fiction

Fascism vs. Non-Fascism: Separating Fact from Fiction

These days, you can’t scroll through social media without someone being labeled a “fascist.” It’s the go-to insult for anyone with a differing political opinion. But here’s the thing—most people using that word have no clue what it actually means. Fascism isn’t just a synonym for ‘bad’ or ‘authoritarian.’ It’s a specific political ideology with clear characteristics.

So, what exactly is fascism? And why is it unfairly pinned on modern conservative governments? Let’s break it down and expose the real authoritarian wolves in democratic clothing.

What Is Fascism, Really?

According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, fascism is a “political ideology and mass movement” defined by:

  • Extreme militaristic nationalism
  • Contempt for electoral democracy and political liberalism
  • Belief in social hierarchy and elite rule
  • Subordination of individual interests to the nation’s good

In simple terms, fascism is about total government control. It’s a system where the state dictates everything—economy, culture, speech, and even thought. The individual doesn’t matter; the nation does.

Fascist leaders like Mussolini and Hitler weren’t just nationalists. They were totalitarians who silenced dissent, controlled the media, and ruled through fear. They demanded blind obedience to the state.

So, when people throw around the term “fascist” to describe modern conservatives, they’re either misinformed or deliberately misleading. Let’s compare real fascism to what today’s conservative governments actually stand for.

Modern Conservative Governments: The Opposite of Fascism

The narrative goes something like this: conservative governments are “fascist” because they promote nationalism or traditional values. But fascism isn’t about patriotism or conservatism. It’s about centralizing power and crushing individual freedom.

Modern conservative governments generally stand for:

  • Smaller Government: Reducing the size and scope of government influence.
  • Individual Liberty: Emphasizing personal responsibility, property rights, and freedom of speech.
  • Decentralization of Power: Supporting local governance and limiting federal overreach.

If fascism is about expanding state control, then modern conservatism is about limiting it. It’s as different as night and day.

Take the Reagan and Thatcher eras, for example. They reduced taxes, deregulated markets, and championed free speech. They didn’t silence dissent or control the economy—they empowered individuals. That’s the opposite of what fascists do.

Even today, conservative leaders defend freedom of speech, parental rights, and religious liberty. In a fascist system, these rights are the first to go. The comparison doesn’t hold water.

Who’s Really Acting Like Fascists Today?

If you’re looking for fascist tactics in modern politics, you’ll find them—but not where the mainstream media tells you to look. In fact, it’s the modern left that’s embracing authoritarianism, censorship, and centralization of power. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Censorship and Suppression of Speech

A hallmark of fascism is controlling information and silencing opposition. Fascist regimes don’t tolerate dissent because it threatens their narrative. In Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, propaganda and censorship kept people in line.

Now, consider what happened under the Biden Administration. It was revealed that the DOJ pressured social media companies to censor and deplatform conservative voices, including Donald J. Trump, a former U.S. President. They labeled political dissent as “misinformation” and silenced critics of their policies.

This wasn’t about public safety or preventing violence. It was about controlling the narrative—exactly what fascists do. If you control speech, you control thought.

Meanwhile, conservative voices were deplatformed for questioning COVID-19 mandates, election integrity, and other controversial issues. That’s not democracy—it’s digital authoritarianism.

2. Expanding Government Power and Control

Fascists love centralized power. They regulate every aspect of life to maintain control. The more the state controls, the less freedom individuals have.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw progressive leaders impose strict lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements. In some countries, they introduced digital health passports, restricting access to public spaces based on vaccination status.

These measures were justified as “public health,” but they expanded government power to an unprecedented level. Citizens lost personal freedom, businesses were destroyed, and dissent was silenced.

On the other hand, conservative states like Florida and Texas prioritized individual choice and opposed mandates. They allowed businesses to stay open and trusted people to make their own decisions. That’s the opposite of authoritarianism.

3. Weaponizing Government Agencies

One of the most sinister aspects of fascism is using state power to target political enemies. In Nazi Germany, it was the Gestapo. In Soviet Russia, it was the KGB. In modern times? Look no further than today’s so-called “liberal democracies.”

The Biden DOJ and FBI have been accused of targeting parents who speak out at school board meetings, labeling them as “domestic terrorists.” Conservative activists and organizations have faced IRS audits and investigations.

Weaponizing government agencies to silence opposition isn’t just unethical—it’s authoritarian. And it’s happening under progressive leadership, not conservative.

4. Economic Centralization and Control

Fascism doesn’t believe in free markets. It believes in state-controlled capitalism, where businesses serve the interests of the state. This is achieved through heavy regulations, subsidies, and wealth redistribution.

Today, this looks like the “Build Back Better” agenda. It’s about government spending trillions on welfare programs, controlling healthcare, and regulating private businesses. It’s about taking wealth from one group and giving it to another to maintain power.

Conservative governments, on the other hand, advocate for lower taxes, deregulation, and free-market capitalism. They believe in individual ownership and voluntary exchange. That’s the polar opposite of fascism.

The Real Fascists Are… Not Who You Think

If you’re looking for fascism, don’t look at modern conservative governments. Look at those who:

  • Censor speech and silence dissent
  • Centralize power and enforce conformity
  • Weaponize government agencies against political enemies
  • Control the economy through regulations and redistribution

Fascism is about total government control. Modern conservative movements advocate for less government, more individual freedom, and decentralized power. They’re not fascists—they’re the last line of defense against authoritarianism.

Meanwhile, the modern left is embracing the tactics of Mussolini and Hitler—using state power to control information, regulate behavior, and silence opposition. They do it in the name of “equity” and “safety,” but the result is the same: more power for the state, less freedom for the individual.

So, who’s really flirting with fascism? Look past the labels and watch who’s using state power to control your life. The answer might surprise you.


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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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