TMT is paused until February, and their funding meeting is February too

TMT is paused until February, and their funding meeting is February too

TMT is paused until February, and their funding meeting is February too

Will the TMT have the funding that they need to start the project in February? They have been saying without a doubt that funding is a major concern. Now we have a strange coincidence, where the government has cleared the road, and the government has vowed to back the TMT when the project decides to start. However, the project has vowed to delay the project start until the end of February. Is that a coincidence? How significant is this?

Examples of the funding concerns for the TMT

For example, look at this article from June 2018, where the TMT says that the price of the project went up from 1.4 BIllion to 2 Billion, and that funding is still not certain.

That coincides with the recent report that TMT is going to beckon the National Science Foundation for more funding next month since they still are in a major financial disadvantage.

For years the funding issue for the TMT has been just out of sight for the most part, but the clues have been there the whole time.

What is the REAL problem?

What is more of a concern though, is not the TMT or their funding issues. Not the sovereignty movement or the protesters. The main problem is 100% the elected officials that have sat on their hands while the rest of the community pays for police to observe illegal protests. The officials have not given any care to the fact that while these illegal protests have carried on, that businesses like tour companies and others have been put out of business all of these months on the mauna, and that residents who pay for the road leading up to Mauna Kea summit are paying out of their taxes for a road that they can not even use.

I am convinced that the February meeting with the National Science Foundation, and the TMT, as well as the TMT’s decision to delay until at least February to begin, are no coincidence.

Again, the TMT is not the problem.  The protesters are not the problem.   Right now it is the GOVERNMENT leaders that are the problem.

I refuse to play possum and just wait for the project to begin, which may NEVER begin. This will turn in to the RAIL project in Honolulu if people don’t keep these groups and these politicians accountable.
Anyway, I am doing what I am able to do to keep everything on the up and up.
This is the video premiere that I am broadcasting tomorrow to keep everyone informed.

About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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