Latest internet scams, and how to avoid them

Scam Warning

Latest internet scams, and how to avoid them

This is a very important bit of information, especially around this time of year.  During the holidays there are a boat-load of scams going on.  With the age of digital transactions, it happens more and more often online.   I have posted about this in the past on multiple blogs.   I wanted to give you some great tips that I found on youtube along with reposting some of the advice that I have shared in the past.

First of all the “I know your password..” email scam.   This is becoming very common.  I get about 100 of these emails a day on my various email addresses.

To help avoid people discovering your password, the best advice is to do a few things (as described in the video above).

  1.  Use a different and hard to crack password on each website.  Never use the same password twice.
  2. Use Two Factor Authentication (2FA).  This can be accomplished in multiple different ways.  Some examples are apps like Google Authenticator or having the website send you a text message when logging in, and there are various other options.
  3. Jim Browning from the video above recommends using;  Dashlane Password Manager here:

The following is a few tips on credit card scams.  These scams often happen in person, where a cashier, wait-staff, or someone else who handles in person transactions, takes your card for payment, and swipes it twice.  Once to pay for the purchase you are making, and quickly another time (out of site) to get your credit card details.

The first video shows how they use the card information.

The video below shows the technique that scammers use to gather the credit card information.


Reference to some of my past blogs;


Below is a video that I made to show how to protect yourself on the internet.


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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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