A Climate Contrarian: How Trump’s Views on Global Warming Diverge from the Scientific Consensus
Here is an excerpt based on “The Science of Climate Change: A Contrarian’s View”:
As the world becomes increasingly fixated on the topic of climate change, a vociferous debate has erupted, with some insisting that human activity is responsible for rising temperatures and others vehemently opposing this notion. At the epicenter of this controversy lies President Donald Trump, who has consistently expressed skepticism regarding the scientific consensus on global warming. As a self-proclaimed “big league” climate change skeptic, Trump’s views diverge sharply from the scientific consensus, prompting a reexamination of the arguments on both sides.
Despite the overwhelming scientific consensus, some refuse to accept the notion of climate change, characterizing it as a “complete hoax” or an “hoax perpetrated by the Chinese” in Trump’s case. However, this categorical rejection of the scientific consensus is anathema to the spirit of inquiry and reason, compromising our ability to tackle this pressing global issue.
… Human-induced climate change is real, and it’s happening now. Since the late 1970s, the planet has warmed by about 1°C, with the average global temperature projected to increase by another 2-3°C by 2100 if emissions continue at current rates. The evidence is cumulative: an extensive array of data, from shrinking ice caps to retreating glaciers, melting permafrost, and more.