The hysteria of the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID 1984

The hysteria of the COVID-19 Pandemic

For me I have a dim understanding of diseases, and pandemics. I will not pretend to know on any qualifying level any of the specific medical/biological/viral details of this issue. I will give sources to the experts at the end of this post, and I will attempt to provide opposing opinions from two reputable experts on the topic.

For me, I am counting the numbers, and the projections of what a major global economic recession looks like to the many hundreds of millions of very poor people around the world that have to work day to day to barely feed their families. Many of these families living on less than $1 a day. The go out for work in the day, to eat that night.
With a global economic shutdown, and lockdown/martial-law like situations, many of these people are going to starve to death. There will be uncounted many who die from the results of this economic shutdown.

When I compare the deaths, and even the potential deaths that humanity could see due to COVID-19, but then I compare that to human abortions, and there is nearly 50,000,000 (50 million) abortions in the world every year.

If 5000 deaths is going to cause a huge country of 330,000,000 (330 million) people. Then there is something that I am missing to this equation. Why did we not close borders and issue martial law-like stay at home orders under H1N1?

I am curious what is so different about this latest various of COVID that makes COVID19 so much more difficult to deal with, than the other previous pandemics that have sprung up due to COVID strains of virus.

Ron Paul had some wise words on this, and I had included that in a post from a few weeks back.

This is the video that I made that I addressed this issues of global financial recession, and what that means for the very poor.

Further more, these are some of the related sources of this information.

This video shows the forgotten soon-to-be casualties of this fight against COVID.

More reference to this:

More about the very similar H1N1 (also a COVID strain)

The value of the USA Retirement industry (27 TRILLION)

More on the demographics and causes of death related to COVID-19

About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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