Trump’s Cross-Party Actions

Trumpʼs bipartisan efforts

Trump’s Cross-Party Actions


Dj Disruptarian Music

Analyzing Trump’s Bipartisan Efforts

Former President Donald Trump’s tenure was marked by controversial policies and a highly polarized political environment. Yet, amidst the frequent partisan clashes, there were moments where bipartisan moves were evident. These actions, while often overshadowed by more contentious issues, provide insight into a complex presidency that at times, crossed party lines to promote certain legislative and policy goals.

One of Trump’s notable bipartisan efforts was the signing of the First Step Act in December 2018. This criminal justice reform bill received widespread support from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers. The First Step Act aimed to reduce the number of people in federal prisons by easing mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenses, enhancing prisoner rehabilitation efforts, and increasing judicial discretion. For libertarians and free-market advocates, this reform was a positive move towards reducing federal government overreach in the criminal justice system, thereby decreasing the state’s role in individual lives and improving economic efficiency by potentially reducing the significant costs associated with high incarceration rates in the U.S.

Another area where Trump showed bipartisan cooperation was the trade and economic policies, particularly with the renegotiation of NAFTA leading to the creation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Trump’s trade policies have often been criticized from a free-market perspective for their protectionist nature, such as imposing tariffs and attempting to balance trade deficits via governmental intervention. However, the USMCA was widely regarded as an improvement over NAFTA by various sectors, despite it still containing provisions that do not fully align with libertarian ideals. The agreement passed with substantial bipartisan support in Congress, showcasing a rare moment of cooperation in economic policy between the administration and legislators from both parties.

Furthermore, infrastructure spending, although not fully realized during his administration, was an area Trump frequently expressed a desire for bipartisan collaboration. Typically, libertarians and free-market proponents are skeptical of large government expenditures due to the inefficiencies associated with them and their tendency to lead to increased state control. However, the appeal to improve nationwide infrastructure did resonate across political lines and reflected a potential area for cooperative effort, although final implementations were often stalled by disagreements on funding sources and overall governmental roles.

Examining the Libertarian Perspective

From a libertarian viewpoint, Trump’s bipartisan activities present a mix of alignments and deviations from free-market principles. His economic policy, while at times interventionist, sought to recalibrate international trade deals that could arguably have long-term benefits for American businesses and consumers contributing to economic openness and fairness. However, decisions like imposing tariffs conflict with free-market principles that favor minimal restrictions on international trade and advocate for the natural fluctuations of the market.

On social policies such as criminal justice reform, Trump’s actions through the First Step Act are a clear positive from a libertarian stance. Reducing federal mandates and increasing personal freedoms align closely with the libertarian ethos of less government interference in personal lives, promoting individual responsibility, and granting second chances to non-violent offenders, which can be beneficial for society as a whole.

Despite these actions, the libertarian critique would be cautious about areas where bipartisan support may have led to expanding state powers or spending, rather than constraining it. Bipartisan cooperation, while fruitful in certain contexts, should ideally not compromise on the core libertarian principles of reducing government size and promoting individual and economic freedoms.

Conclusion and Future Considerations

In conclusion, Trump’s administration displayed occasional bipartisan cooperation, notably in areas such as criminal justice reform and aspects of trade policy. For libertarians, these instances present a mixture of opportunities and challenges. While some bipartisan efforts align with reducing governmental overreach and promoting economic efficiency, others, such as potential large-scale infrastructure projects funded and controlled by the government, might not align as well with libertarian views.

Looking ahead, libertarians and free-market advocates are keen on assessing bipartisan movements based not just on their capacity to bridge political divides but on their fidelity to principles of minimal government and maximum freedom. Ideally, bipartisan cooperation would focus on deregulation, decriminalization, and policies that lessen the state’s role in individual lives, upholding the liberty of citizens and the efficiency of markets.


Q: What is the First Step Act?
A: The First Step Act is a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill signed into law by President Trump in 2018. It aimed to reduce prison sentences for nonviolent offenders, particularly those jailed for drug offenses, and to improve rehabilitation efforts.

Q: How do libertarians view Trump’s trade policies?
A: Libertarians have mixed views on Trump’s trade policies. While renegotiating trade deals like USMCA could be seen as efforts to enhance economic fairness, the use of tariffs and other protectionist measures are generally opposed in libertarian circles as they interfere with free-market principles.

Q: Can bipartisan support align with libertarian ideals?
A: Yes, when bipartisan efforts lead to reduced government intervention and promote individual and economic freedoms, they can align with libertarian ideals. However, any expansion in government size or scope through bipartisanship can be concerning from a libertarian perspective.

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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