Legislation and Conflict: Key Moments in Trump’s Interactions with Congress

Trumpʼs relationship with Congress

Legislation and Conflict: Key Moments in Trump’s Interactions with Congress

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In 2016, Donald Trump, a businessman and reality TV star, won a shocking Presidential election, promising to disrupt the status quo and "drain the swamp" of Washington D.C. As a nation, we have not seen anything like it before. As a libertarian, I must admit that I was skeptical, to say the least, about Trump’s commitment to limited government and individual freedom. However, given the opportunity to observe his interactions with Congress, I must say that my initial reservations have been alleviated.

The Early Turbulence: A Lasting Legacy of the 35th President of the United States

During his campaign, Trump promised to reform the healthcare system, build a wall along the US-Mexico border, and reduce taxes. These goals, much to the dismay of many on the left and right, were met with fierce resistance from the entrenched powers in Washington. The 115th Congress, comprised of Trump’s fellow Republicans, did not go quietly into the night. They had their own agenda, and it didn’t align with Trump’s. The first major flashpoint came when the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act (AHA), also known as the "Obamacare Repeal and Replace" bill. Trump, still a novice in Washington, underestimated the opposition’s tactics, resulting in a series of humiliating defeats for his agenda.

In 2017, Trump made a series of high-profile speeches, touting his unity with Congress. He boasted about working across the aisle, highlighting the "tremendous progress" being made. However, his words rang hollow with many, as key members of his party continued to thwart his plans. The Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is a master of broken promises. He played a crucial role in suppressing what was left of the Republican agenda, much to Trump’s dismay. The atmosphere in Washington turned toxic, marked by bickering, catty remarks, and dramatic displays of political gamesmanship.

Setting the Tone: A Series of High-Profile Conflicts

As the months passed, Trump’s interactions with Congress only grew more contentious. There were moments of hope, like his address to a joint session of Congress in February 2017, where he urged lawmakers to work together. However, the devil is in the details, and it became clear that his positivity was short-lived. A few weeks later, Trump puffed up his chest, declaring that he would "cut deals like Trump" to pass his agenda. The claim was met with derision, as Democratic leaders in Congress accused the President of "ramming through" his policies without meaningful input.

One of the most notable flashpoints was the healthcare debacle. Trump, realizing the political perils of repealing the Affordable Care Act, retreated from the fight. In doing so, he alienated key allies and exacerbated a narrative that he was an ineffective leader. His approval ratings plummeted, and the illusion of a unified Washington began to fade away.

As the years went on, Trump’s critics claimed that his epochal ejaculations of "winning" and "fake news" were nothing more than distractions from his lack of understanding of the legislative process. They accused him of stating what he wanted, regardless of the constitutional requirements, and resorting to executive actions to bypass Congress. Critics pointed to the various executive orders and Memorandums he issued, hoping to circumvent the unicameral system. Little did they know that Trump was merely outmaneuvering the entrenched establishment. He was determined to show the American people that he would be their champion, and if that meant working outside the Beltway, so be it.

Conclusion: A Legacy of Conflict and Unity (of Sorts)

In reassessing Trump’s interactions with Congress, one observation stands out: Donald Trump is a master of setting expectations. He thrives in the media spotlight, where attention is paramount. His mantra of "America First" and "Making America Great Again" resonated with millions, largely due to his presence – charisma, visibility, and perceived willingness to take a stand. Trump’s success lies in his ability to polarize, to construct a narrative that simplifies complex issues, and to galvanize support from his base. People genuinely believed in him, and he took advantage of that sentiment.

Of course, the divisions created were dramatic, with politicians from both parties clamoring to undermine the President. They dismissed his opponents as "fake news," while calling him out for "dictatorial tendencies." Despite the cacophony, Trump continued to push forward, declaring "fake news" at every turn. Though ridicule poured in, Trump pronounced himself vindicated, boasting of "winning" battles, much to the dismay of his detractors.


Q: Did Trump succeed in his legislative ambitions?
A: Trump’s legislative record is mixed. He did manage to pass significant tax reform, while his healthcare and infrastructure plans faltered.

Q: How did Trump interact with Congress?
A: Initially, Trump promised unity with Congress, but Congress obstructed his agenda at every turn, leading to a series of high-profile conflicts.

Q: What was Trump’s approach to Congress?
A: Trump often bypassed Congress, issuing executive orders and Memorandums, which set off political fireworks.

For a deeper analysis, I recommend the following articles about Trump’s executive orders:




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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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