“Indians” vs “Caucasians” shirt gets mixed response

“Indians” vs “Caucasians” shirt gets mixed response

In the wake of recent “Cancel culture” mob tactics, statues are being toppled, cartoons are being cancelled, our favorite tv shows from our childhood are being cancelled, now sports team’s names and logos are being cancelled.

But for some it’s a great craic (satire) and we are laughing and things like this.

I recently did an experiment, and it was similar to this. But it was using the word “Boogaloo”.

Boogaloo Hawaii
Boogaloo Hawaii

When I put this sign with an “AR-15” in my window in my car, that said Boogallo and an AR15 underneath it.

I knew it would get attention, because guns are very restricted in Hawaii. Hence the case Young Vs. Hawaii .

The term “Boogaloo” apparently started out as a break-dance video/film in the 1980s. It was a terrible movie, and not a single “Break dancing” move. It was hilarious and became a “cult classic”.

There is a song in that show called “Electric Boogaloo“.

Look it up. You won’t be disappointed! lulz

Then after 40 years, this became a 2A protest, with people of all walks of life standing up for their gun rights across the country.

It just so happens that Hawaii is one of the most 2A restricted states in the USA, so its apparently Ironic to wear Hawaii shirts in this protest.

But, I can attest. I had a similar response to my vinyl sign as this guy did to his “Caucasians” shirt.
He said he got “death threats”? Seriously within a day of putting that sign in my car, I was getting death threats, doxed, and people driving by my house taking pictures while my kids play in the yard (we have security footage of it too, it was spooky).

I spent a week collecting information. Then another two weeks upgrading my security.

What’s funny is what my “Boogaloo” sticker meant to some of the people who reacted this way, with the doxing and the threats. Many of the same people support the “Defend Hawaii” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NINPJkXU5ls) movement, that touts an AR-15.
I have a video from last night even of a sample of this.
The Defend Hawaii logo is usually sported by Hawaiian Sovereignty activists.

The Boogaloo meme is by far less racist IMHO. But many said that this “boogaloo” meme is a racist statement. OMG

Anyway about that “Caucasians” shirt. LOL

And to that video. That is hilarious, him claiming that white people got offended. It surprises me that he didn’t provide film and evidence of any of it. But I have posted that shirt being worn and I LOLed it.

Just like the Fighting Irish Notre Dam Logo, like who cares.

This is a video that I made about a decade ago to discuss the plight of Irish and African people in the USA.

It is funny to me how some people form sub-groups to declare how picked on that they are. Other people (like Frederick Douglass for example) start movements that constructively empower people.

References to this story about the “Caucasians” shirt;

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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