Russian Colluded With Trump during the 2016 Election, investigation is finished

Hillary Clinton Uranium One

Russian Colluded With Trump during the 2016 Election, investigation is finished

The Mueller investigation is finished after over two years of trolling and harassing the US President about fake accusations, invented by FusionGPS, who was hired by Hillary Clinton, to invent dirt on Donald Trump.

I wrote this in reply to the message that the president left the US people regarding the investigation.

“The people who I have parted ways with in recent months, there have been two kinds.

Ones who “Believe women” no matter what. During the Judge Kavanaugh case.

and the other who were strong on the “Trump colluded with the Russians” (But didn’t care when I showed them evidence of Hillary and Bill colluding with Russian banks and energy companies that were owned by the Russian government)

I personally don’t have time for this kind of none-sense.

You bring up something positive about Trump, and it’s always something like “Oh ya, he’s under investigation”. and “I believe evidence will show he colluded with the Russians to get elected”.

Instead of recognizing that Trump could ever do anything right, they change the topic into a conspiracy against him, despite the lack of evidence.

So on one hand these slow hillbilly fools want “believe women” as the standard, no matter what. “Believe women”. I saw that shirt, hat, pin on thousands of protesters during the Kavanaugh hearing.

But on the other hand, they will make up phony evidence, work with their friends in the FBI, and other national security agencies, to prop up this sick form of gas lighting.


Ted Koppel also reports on the fake news, and the “resistance” in journalism.

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

Fake News Reports Deceptively on Russian Collusion report

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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