[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRXty8lDUW0?si=xVnsI2iYB38Fut6W&w=560&h=315]
The risk of homosexuality
From Dead Kennedys to Minor Threat, punk music shaped my teenage years, but one song that always made me think deeper was the Butthole Surfers' 'Pepper.' Behind its catchy chorus lies a dark tapestry of characters and consequences. The song weaves together vig...
6ix9ine RICO Prosecutors Brag that they had a snitch involved
I don’t really care much about this Tekashi 6ix9ine crap, nor do I like his music. I have been following this case however, because anytime I see the FBI getting involved in the life of a high profile person of influence, it grabs my attention. A l...
The story of hawaiian sovereignty from a Haole who lives in Hawaii
The Story Of Hawaiian Sovereignty From A Haole Who Lives In Hawaii Aloha! My name is Ryan Thompson. I live with my family of six on the Big Island in the Puna district, often known for its rural and agricultural features and activities. There is also small poc...
Jennifer Ruggles Townhall Meeting Keaau HI October 15th 2018
Aloha! I am attempting to contribute to the conversation regarding Hawaii’s independence by providing more historical information on the topic of the annexation of Hawaii 125 years ago. I will be at the townhall meeting in Keaau HI on October 15th 20...
Did Hawaii get legally or illegally annexed into the United States of America
Did the USA illegally overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom, and illegally annex a sovereign nation in 1894? Or was there a legal and valid cession of power via a legitimate treaty that was signed by Queen Liliuokalani? This is a question that has been analyzed ma...
The aftermath of the Judge Kavanaugh Judicial Hearing Circus
This event really separated the sheep from the goats. As I watched this whole charade play out I knew the entire time what the outcome would be, so I wasn’t expecting some bombshell proof to come out and ruin Brett Kavanaugh. I knew as did most peopl...