Archive of Hawaiian Sovereignty meetings and videos attended by Ryan Thompson

Annexation of Hawaii

Archive of Hawaiian Sovereignty meetings and videos attended by Ryan Thompson

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Archive of Hawaiian Sovereignty meetings and videos attended by Ryan Thompson

I originally made a video about Hawaiian Sovereignty after first buying a home in Hawaii this summer (2018) before I had heard about Jennifer Ruggles or a lot of these problems between the US and the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement.

The story of Hawaiian Sovereignty from a Haole who lives in Hawaii

Hawaii Kingdom Jennifer Ruggles Town Hall meeting September 24th 2018, followup questions to Dr. Keanu Sai

Question Three after Meeting with Jennifer Ruggles and Dr. Keanu Sai on September 24th. This question I asked on October 12th 2018, based on Dr. Keanu Sai’s statement that Hawaii became a nation when it was adopted into the British Kingdom. I asked what proof do we have of this;

October 15th 2018 6pm at Keaau Community Center with Jennifer Ruggles on the topic of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom

Table of Contents
MORGAN’S HAWAIIAN REPORT as appears in Los Angeles Herald February 27th 1894Morgan Report HawaiiCommittee Of Safety HawaiiMorgan Report is public at long last