Unification of the islands

History of The Hawaiian Monarchy

Unification of the islands

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Unification of the islands

The unification of the Hawaiian islands is a legendary story, filled with prophecy, myths, battles and conquest. I will provide a historical time line and some academic sources to tell the story more completely. With myth and legend, it is often best to glean information about the story from multiple source.

Here is the time-line.


Here is a list of conflicts from the unification period;


Unification of Hawaiʻi (1782–1810)

The entire unification story of Hawaii, can be summed up by telling the story of King Kamehamhea I’s life story.


Table of Contents
Pre-European Contact (Hawaii)Pre European Contact Battle in Hawaii1840 hawaiian kingdom constitutionConstitutional Monarchy
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Unification of the islands

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