Alt-Left Fake News, and a violation of the espionage act with Mike Flynn leaks

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Alt-Left Fake News, and a violation of the espionage act with Mike Flynn leaks

More on the leaks regarding Michael Flynn from inside the US government, aka “shadow government”

Piers Morgan joins Sean Hannity and Joe Digenova to discuss the media bias against Trump.
This is an interesting discussion of the coup against Trump from the whitehouse regarding the recently leaked data regarding Michael Flynn
Sean Hannity and Piers Morgan also talk about the fake news, and the Clinton campaign connections during the campaign directly to the media such as with Donna Brazil and Hillary Clinton, where CNN leaked debate questions to Hillary’s campaign ahead of the debates.
This was a great discussion about the depths of the transgressions from the media and the people inside the shaddow government, that commit illegal acts to thwart political opposition.

WIKILEAKS Reveals Collusion Between Clinton Camp and CNN


Piers Morgan joins Sean Hannity and Joe Digenova to discuss the media bias against Trump.

More with Tucker Carlson calling out the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple on fake news and “native news”.

Emerson College poll sees the Trump administration as more truthful than the media!


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Disruptive Host
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