There is a good reason economically challenged Hawaiians are supporting the shutdown

Obstructing business in Hawaii

There is a good reason economically challenged Hawaiians are supporting the shutdown

The economic shutdown is new for most of the USA. But not for Hawaii, especially on Big Island since at least 2014 when Hawaiian Sovereignty activists started their list of demands and eventually their actions against state approved astronomy projects. Mainly noting their hostage the “Thirty Meter Telescope” on the top of Mauna Kea.
During their protests, they passed out flyers at the airport telling tourist “Hawaii is closed” for several months of 2019.

Reference the many protests and attempts to shut down Hawaii in the past;

The COVID19 shutdown simply created a more perfect storm for the protesters, and supporters of the Hawaiian Sovereignty movement, now posting on their Facebook page more “Hawaii is closed” and other similar messages.

This comes from the same protesters who had attempted to close Hawaii tourism less than 12 months ago

This comes from the same protesters who had attempted to close Hawaii tourism less than 12 months ago

Currently many of these protesters are not only getting the unemployment and stimulus checks from the Federal Government, like most everyone else. But also the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (DHHL) and the United Way have paid the rents for these folks for 6 months.

So for many of these people, there is nothing to lose in the immediate future. With the Feds paying $600 per week for Unemployment insurance, the Stimulus check of $1200 a person and $500 for children, and also now the Rent Assistance which is based on ethnicity for the Kanaka on Hawaii. Now it is the perfect storm to shut down businesses, and drive many under, which like the TMT and other business has been part of their game plan for years.

Sadly though, suicides are on the rise in Hawaii since the shutdown, many many Native Hawaiian (AKA Kanaka) businesses have closed for good, and the end result is that many Kanaka are leaving their roots and moving to the mainland, to join hundreds of thousands of other Native Hawaiians.

In 6 months the economy will be so dire, that many of their Oahana will not be moving back to Hawaii, like so many before them. Which is why the Native Hawaiian community is so small now in Hawaii. Because so many can not find opportunity and then head over to the mainland in search of a better life.

Just remember in six months, that the economy suffered more as a result of this shutdown, than was necessary.

About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger


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