Tribute to Al Gonzales
I have heard via social media that a wonderful educator and activist in Hawaii died a few days ago. Al Gonzales is a very recognizable figure in Hawaii. Someone who has often been sought for his views and historical knowledge of Hawaii by local media as well as main stream media.
I got to know Al online over the years, and his videos, interviews and websites have been a great source of inspiration. He was be deeply missed by many.
Some of Al’s work can be found at the following links;
- Ho`okahi Pu`uwai –
- Al Gonzales and Native Hawaiian Progress | GrassrootInstitute
- Hawaii Kine Stuff – Setting the Record Straight with Al Gonzales
I loved listening to his stories about his fishing adventures, and about his converted van/camper that he went exploring with.
He had great wit, and an extensive knowledge on Hawaiian history.
This is Sam’s Facebook profile:
I was proud to be the first one to post on his profile after his passing.
Al Gonzales passed away today due to heart attack. Is and always will be a voice of reason in Hawaii. A brilliant, kind hearted amazing man, will be missed deeply.
One of his last posts from a few days ago, illustrates his passion and his soul.
“Those of you asking where I got the concept of “808VocalMinority” & “808SilentMajority”
I guess I kind of stole the concept from part of MLK’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech back in 1965′

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