Council Delays Accepting $10 Million For Mauna Kea Costs (Nov. 19, 2019)
This is an interesting conversation that took place on a video from Big Island Video News, regarding the 10 million dollar payment from the state to the county, for policing the Mauna Kea Access road.
Council Delays Accepting $10 Million For Mauna Kea Costs (Nov. 19, 2019)
This is my response to the video, and what followed IMHO was even more interesting.
Joint Statement on the Jurisdiction of Mauna Kea Access Road
Press Release Who Owns Mauna Kea Access Road Kalani Low I have never once threatened you
From Disruptarian Radio From you are right a veiled threat, wishing hurt upon me and my family, is not the same thing as directly threatening me. But I have recorded it. You even made a veiled threat here, pretending like you don’t want it to happen, but implying that its going to happen
From Kalani Low I used the analogy of taking over your home and kicking your kids out.
From Disruptarian Radio Yes one of many of your veiled threats, but that is not one that I am referring to
From Kalani Low That’s what the fuck ameriKKKa did to us, get the fuck over it lol nice try saying I threatened you.
From Disruptarian Radio No one did any such thing. Nor is it similar, as I explained. In 1840, the Hawaiian Kingdom created property rights. Before that only the aristocracy had property. When the Hawaiian Kingdom created property rights, they gave Hawaiians 2 years to claim the property they lived on, some did and some didn’t claim the land. When the Republic of Hawaii formed, they did not take anyone’s property, if someone had a title to property before the Republic of Hawaii, they still kept that title after the RoH was formed. If they didn’t have title to their property, then they didn’t based on Hawaiian Kingdom Law. Im actually making a documentary about it right now that will go over that part of history and other parts of history that most ignore, based on Hawaiian Kingdom law, and their written constitutions. But America did not change titles after the Annexation, at all. In fact, the Hawaiian people got land they never had before due to the HHC Act, and the Admissions act. You comparing that to someone coming to my house with a gun, and shooting my family and taking my land, is nothing close to what happened to what America did. That is much more like what King Kamahemeha did in the Battle of Nuʻuanu.
From Kalani Low Regardless of what you think to be true, you can’t claim the queen was racist in any fucking way
From Disruptarian Radio She was not the only one that attempted to create racially based voting laws. Long before she proposed her constitution in 1893, there was the constitutions previous to her that made it so that no Japanese could vote. However, her proposed constitution was to make it so that only Kanaka could vote. In any context, in any nation, throughout the world, that would be considered a racist law. The USA had racist laws at one time, similar, however, we have long since demolished that, with the 14th Amendment
From Kalani Low She was stripping an over reaching legislative branch of power and restoring power to the throne with her constitution proposal.
From Disruptarian Radio as well as stripping the majority of Hawaiian Kingdom subjects of their right to vote, using racial based laws.
From Kalani Low Plain and simple By these white men throwing their bullshit annexation they have displaced an entire community, they have screwed the Hawaiian community every chance they get. Shit the Japanese got reparations but we didn’t get shit cause y’all always will look at yourselves as our better and that in the end will be y’alls downfall
From Disruptarian Radio The Irish got no reparations, despite years of mistreatment, slavery, and other unjust actions. I would say the Irish did not get any OHA, or DHHL like privileges. The Irish didn’t get anything similar in any way. We just lick our wounds and move on as celtic people. You saying “Hawaiians didn’t get shit” is the most unauthentic thing that you have said
From Kalani Low lol says the guy who literally tries to culturally appropriate defending your home with “aloha” lol.
From Disruptarian Radio I use a lot less Hawaiian words than you use of English, true story

Kalani Low Threats 1

Kalani Low Threats 2

Reply to Kalani Low 2a

Reply to Kalani Low 2b
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