
Asking Puna Council Members in Hawaii County to support the TMT …

————————- Asking #Puna Council Members in Hawaii County to support the #TMT — Disruptarian (@disruptarian) July 20, 2019 [fts_twitter twitter_name=disruptarian tweets_count=6 twitter_height=500px cover_photo=no stats_bar=yes show_retweets=no show_replies=no] 36 ———- Source by Disruptarian

Hawaii County Council

Letters to Hawaii County Council Members about Mauna Kea and the TMT Project July 19th 2019

The first letter is to; Matt Kanaelii-Kleinfelder Dear Matt “I want to be very clear in our support for the TMT. This is bringing in much needed jobs to a community that just got rekt by a natural disaster. The protesters are breaking the law, blocking a county road, and preventing a lot of people […]