Week Four of the Thirty Meter Telescope Protests – Whats up with the racism and threats?

Im not haole Im human

Week Four of the Thirty Meter Telescope Protests – Whats up with the racism and threats?

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Week Four of the TMT Protests by Disruptarian – Has anyone else noticed the violent threats and racism? The Thirty Meter Telescope has brought out a lot of hidden little secrets in Hawaii about racism, and decades-old hurt that exists in this island.
I wanted to address some accusations that have been launched at me by giving a presentation of how I see this as a haole living in Hawaii, and someone who supports the TMT.

Here are my references and links from the video.

Kalepa Baybayan Slams Council TMT Moratorium Resolution (July 24, 2019)

WARNING: Maunakea Protestors Swearing and Harassing Sign Wavers – Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Richard Ha In Support Of TMT

TMT supporters hold Hilo sign-waving on July 15

Interview with Brialyn Onodera: Hawaiian TMT Supporter

Dean Au – Hawaii Carpenter’s Union, Contracted to help build TMT

TMT Equipment Going Up “Later This Week”, Supporters Rally (July 15, 2019)

IMUA TMT Rally 2019

Mark Travalino of the Hawaii Labor Union – Support for TMT

Hawaii Kingdom Jennifer Ruggles Town Hall meeting September 24th 2018

Protesters Cloud TMT Discussion With False Claims, Threats


Laird Hamilton: Bullied by racists at school

Larsen Vs. The Hawaiian Kingdom (history of the annexation)

Larsen vs Hawaiian Kingdom – Is the US Government Illegally Occupying Hawaii with David Sai

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger

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