Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile

Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii Chile

Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile

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Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile

On September 26, 1894 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile sent a two-page letter on behalf of his government to President Sanford B. Dole, recognizing the Republic of Hawaii. The letter, in Spanish, was received in Honolulu on December 12. There is no English translation.

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Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii Chile

Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile

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Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii Chile

Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile


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Table of Contents
Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Britainecognition of the Republic of Hawaii Britain Queen VictoriaRecognition of the Republic of Hawaii ChinaRecognition of the Republic of Hawaii – China
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Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii – Chile

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