What is the Duration Of Pirate Radio USA
In the United States, the term pirate radio implies the unlicensed broadcasting use of any part of the radio spectrum that is reserved for use by governmental, public or commercial licensees by the Federal Communications Commission. This includes the FM...
FCC Shuts Down Pirate Radio Station Recognized For Airing Alex Jones
A pirate radio station which aired Alex Jones’ show has been shut down by the Federal Communications Commission. Liberty Radio was broadcasting on 90.1 FM without federal consent, according to The Austin American-Statesman reported that with th...
Talk Story Saturday March 23rd 2019 – Disruptive Cryptocurrency Craze
I have been meaning for a long time to talk about Bitcoin, and while I still love the concept I have opted almost completely out of the market, despite being invested when Bitcoin was priced at about $1 per coin. I had a lot of ups and a lot of downs wit...
Gnostic Thursday March 14th – DNA And Intelligent Design
Gnostic thursday march 14th 2019 – Talking about DNA and intelligent design. Discussing Stephen C. Meyer www.stephencmeyer.org Dr. Meyer’s book “Signature of the Cell” can be purchased here: Talking about the origins of life, about the...
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