
White Guilt and Black Lives Matters

Tell me a little bit more about “white privilege”

I benefit from being an American.“White privilege”, no fking way. I have no affirmative action that leans to benefit me, whether or not I’ve earned itI have no United (ethnic specific) college fundI have no civil rights organization that stands up for me specifically because of my ethnicityAnd MANY peer reviewed studies show that incident […]

Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii

Jennifer Ruggles Townhall Meeting Keaau HI October 15th 2018

Aloha! I am attempting to contribute to the conversation regarding Hawaii’s independence by providing more historical information on the topic of the annexation of Hawaii 125 years ago.   I will be at the townhall meeting in Keaau HI on October 15th 2018 I will also attempt to livestream the meeting at: The topic is […]


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