Institutional and cultural racism in Hawaii state – TMT protests
Institutional and cultural racism in Hawaii state
Institutional and cultural racism in Hawaii state
Week Four of the TMT Protests by Disruptarian – Has anyone else noticed the violent threats and racism? The Thirty Meter Telescope has brought out a lot of hidden little secrets in Hawaii about racism, and decades-old hurt that exists in this island. I wanted to address some accusations that have been launched at me […]
Hawaiian Kine Stuff – Setting the Record Straight with Al Gonzales
Visit to the Mauna Kea TMT Protest on July 20th 2019 Big Island Hawaii
The Story Of Hawaiian Sovereignty From A Haole Who Lives In Hawaii Aloha! My name is Ryan Thompson. I live with my family of six on the Big Island in the Puna district, often known for its rural and agricultural features and activities. There is also small pockets of good surf, and always good food […]
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