Mass Shootings in the past 20 years in the USA
Tonight I was challenged to write up an article on mass shootings. This has been done many times before as I am learning.
Which means my work will be fairly easy to make this happen.
I was intrigued by a post on my friend’s facebook wall about a mass shooting in Canada, regarding a “Pro-Trump Right-Wing Terrorist, Murders Six People at Mosque”.
This was unique and I responded to it with my shock, and noted that usually mass shooters are liberal/progressives in the USA.
But of course this was Canada, so the other thing that surprised me is that this was a pro-Trump person. Im not seeing the connection, of how this person cared so much about a president that doesn’t govern his country. But ok.
First of all I just want to mention that there are several mass shootings in recent American history that are being challenged as faked.
Recent legislation, and past legislation allow our government to deceive us with “fake news”.
Obama Quietly Signs ‘Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act
H.R.5181 – 114th Congress
I recently released a few article showing historical US government based fake news as well, which includes the FBI and CIA “Counter Intelligence Programs”, and the recent Pentagon propaganda videos that the Pentagon paid a UK based PR firm $560 million dollars to create fake terrorist videos during the gulf war.
You can see my article here;
Now to the mass shooting hoaxes, there is currently a lawsuit regarding the Sandy Hook shooting against the Mainstream Media, which accuses the media of staging the hoax, and references fact on cause of death census for Connecticut that year, telling that the lives allegedly lost in Sandy Hook were not listed on the census.
Sandy Hook Hoax: How we know it didn’t happen | Veterans Today
I am not the judge or jury on this lawsuit, so I am not going to make a judgement, it is just best to mention this, since litigation is pending on this issue.
So with that, I am going to attempt to list all of the mass shootings in the USA in the last 20 years, and try to identify if the shooter was liberal or conservative, based on the criteria in the conversation below, which is what challenged me to write this.
Because of a high amount of gang activity, such as in Detroit and Chicago, I will deal with that information separately. This is the same way Mother Jones reports this.
The way we will look at this, is all mass shootings that exclude gang activity and domestic violence.
Reference this list (without notation of the political persuasion)
Credit to MotherJones
- Esteban Santiago, 26, flew from Alaska to Fort Lauderdale, where he opened fire in the baggage claim area of the airport, killing five and wounding six before police aprehended him. Santiago visited the FBI field office in Anchorage in November 2016 and reported that the U.S. government was controlling his mind, was making him watch videos by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and that the CIA was forcing him to join the group. (not rightwing, nor white, possibly associated with Islamic extremism)
- Arcan Cetin, 20, killed a teen girl and three women in the cosmetics section of a Macy’s department store at the Cascade Mall. A man was critically wounded in the shooting and taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle, where he died. Cetin was apprehended by police a few hours after the shooting while driving a car near his residence. Native of Turkey, US resident, had interest in ISIS, was not white nor conservative
- Gavin Long, a former Marine who served in Iraq, killed three police offers responding to a 911 call, and wounded three others. He was killed in a shoot-out with other officers responding to the scene. Prior to the attack, Long posted prolifically on social media, where he expressed admiration for the cop killer in Dallas 10 days prior. The FBI is vetting the claim Long made on YouTube that he was a member of the Nation of Islam. An official said the belief is that Long identified as being associated with the black separatist movement, was not white and was not conservative
- Micah Xavier Johnson, a 25-year-old Army veteran, targeted police at a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest, killing five officers and injuring nine others as well as two civilians. After a prolonged standoff in a downtown building, law enforcement killed Johnson using a robot-delivered bomb. Black Nationalist, black lives matter protester stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers, not conservative, not white
- Omar Mateen, 29, attacked the Pulse nighclub in Orlando in the early morning hours of June 12. He was killed by law enforcement who raided the club after a prolonged standoff.
- Cedric L. Ford, who worked as a painter at a manufacturing company, shot victims from his car and at his workplace before being killed by police at the scene. Shortly before the rampage he had been served with a restraining order. Identified himself as an “Islamic soldier”
- Jason B. Dalton, a driver for Uber, apparently selected his victims randomly as he went on a rampage over several hours in three different locations, including five people he shot in the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel restaurant. He was “arrested without incident” at a downtown Kalamazoo bar about six hours after the rampage began. There is no indication whether he is liberal or conservative or anything else, I read a little on a supposed discussion that he had with a neighbor about politics here.
- Syed Rizwan Farook left a Christmas party held at Inland Regional Center, later returning with Tashfeen Malik and the two opened fire, killing 14 and wounding 21, ten critically. The two were later killed by police as they fled in an SUV.
- Robert Lewis Dear, 57, shot and killed a police officer and two citizens when he opened fire at a Planned Parenthood health clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Nine others were wounded. Dear was arrested after an hours-long standoff with police. This guy was apparently a right wing nut job, the first so far in the list.
- Noah Harpham, 33, shot three people before dead in Colorado Springs before police killed him in a shootout. On the dating site eHarmony, Noah Harpham also decsribed himself as a Christian, as well as a recovering alcoholic and “a big friendly giant.” Harpham stood 6’5″ tall.
- 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer opened fire at Umpqua Community College in southwest Oregon. The gunman shot himself to death after being wounded in a shootout with police. An online dating profile that appears to belong to Mercer lists his hobbies and interests as “Internet, killing zombies, movies, music, reading.” Under ethnicity, it says “mixed race” and his relationship status says “single — never married.” The profile also says he is currently in college and lives with his parents, is a Republican and not religious. It also says he doesn’t smoke, drink or do drugs.
- Kuwaiti-born Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez, 24, a naturalized US citizen, opened fire at a Naval reserve center, and then drove to a military recruitment office where he shot and killed four Marines and a Navy service member, and wounded a police officer and another military service member. He was then fatally shot in an exchange of gunfire with law enforcement officers responding to the attack. Islamic extremist born in Kuwait
- Dylann Storm Roof, 21, shot and killed 9 people after opening fire at the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. According to a roommate, he had allegedly been “planning something like that for six months.” Right wing nut job, white male
- Sergio Valencia del Toro, 27, in what officials say was a random act, shot and killed three people including an 11-year-old girl before turning the gun on himself.
- Jaylen Fryberg, 15, using a .40-caliber Berretta, shot five students at Marysville High School, including two of his cousins and three friends, killing all but one. Fryberg arranged to meet them for lunch in the school cafeteria by text. Fryberg was reportedly well-liked at the school and there was not believed to be any ill-will between him and his victims. He committed suicide at the scene.” Born on the Tulalip Indian Reservation, was not known to be right wing, or religious, was a member of the Tulalip tribe
- Elliot Rodger, 22, shot three people to death in the college town of Isla Vista near the University of California, Santa Barbara. He also shot others as he drove around town, and injured others by striking them with is vehicle. He committed suicide by shooting himself in his car as police closed in. Prior to the rampage, Rodger stabbed three people to death at his apartment. Was of mixed race, which appears to be part of the motive, did not appear to have strong religious leanings
- Army Specialist Ivan Lopez, 34, opened fire at the Fort Hood Army Post in Texas, killing three and wounding at least 12 others before shooting himself in the head after engaging with military police. Lt. Gen. Mark A. Milley told reporters that Lopez “had behavioral health and mental health” issues. The shooter also appeared to have no connections to extremist groups, no signs of active religious or political involvement other than military service
- Cherie Lash Rhoades, 44, opened fire at the Cedarville Rancheria Tribal Office and Community Center, killing four and wounding two. After running out of ammunition, Rhoades grabbed a butcher knife and stabbed another person.
- Aaron Alexis, 34, a military veteran and contractor from Texas, opened fire in the Navy installation, killing 12 people and wounding 8 before being shot dead by police. Does not appear to be involved in extremist groups, no obvious sign of religious activity, was not white or right wing
- Pedro Vargas, 42, set fire to his apartment, killed six people in the complex, and held another two hostages at gunpoint before a SWAT team stormed the building and fatally shot him. Cuban-American, motive unknown, no apparent ties to extremists
- John Zawahri, 23, armed with a homemade assault rifle and high-capacity magazines, killed his brother and father at home and then headed to Santa Monica College, where he was eventually killed by police. Lebanese born, no apparent ties to extremist groups
- Dennis Clark III, 27, shot and killed his girlfriend in their shared apartment, and then shot two witnesses in the building’s parking lot and a third victim in another apartment, before being killed by police. Not an extremist, was not right wing, and not white, apparently a domestic shooting that got worse
- Kurt Myers, 64, shot six people in neighboring towns, killing two in a barbershop and two at a car care business, before being killed by officers in a shootout after a nearly 19-hour standoff. “There’s no apparent motive to the best of our knowledge at this time to provoke these attacks,” Appears to be an older Caucasian man, no apparent religious or extremist motivation
- Adam Lanza, 20, shot his mother dead at their home then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary school. He forced his way inside and opened fire, killing 20 children and six adults before committing suicide. Appears to possibly be a fake news story, or is in litigation at the moment, however if this was a real event, there does not appear to be a religious or extremist motive, he was a young white male.
- Andrew Engeldinger, 36, upon learning he was being fired, went on a shooting rampage, killing the business owner, three fellow employees, and a UPS driver. He then killed himself. Details are unclear about his personal life, the shooting appears to be a work-related dispute, turned rampage, does not appear to be right-wing, or involved in extremist organizations, probably not white, maybe mixed descent
- U.S. Army veteran Wade Michael Page, 40, opened fire in a Sikh gurdwara before he died from a self-inflicted gunshot would during a shootout with police.
- James Holmes, 24, opened fire in a movie theater during the opening night of “The Dark Night Rises” and was later arrested outside. Member of a white supremacist group, racially motivated killing
Ian Stawicki, 40, gunned down four patrons at a cafe, and another person during a carjacking nearby, then shot himself as police closed in. (He died later that day in a Seattle hospital.) Appears to be non-religious, no involvement in extremist groups, was mostly into the “punk rock scene” in Pacific Northwest, was a Caucasian man - One L. Goh, 43, a former student, opened fire in a nursing classroom. He fled the scene by car and was arrested nearby a few hours later. Was a South Korean man, who thought other student at the college mistreated him, no apparent ties to extremist organizations or active religious connections
- Scott Evans Dekraai, 42, opened fire inside a hair salon and was later arrested. No religious or extremist motive found, white male, upset with wife, killed 8
- Eduardo Sencion, 32, opened fire at an International House of Pancakes restaurant and later died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Mexican American, no religious or extremist ties found
- Jared Loughner, 22, opened fire outside a Safeway during a constituent meeting with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) before he was subdued by bystanders and arrested. A former classmate, Caitie Parker, who attended high school and college with Loughner, described his political views prior to 2007, prior to his personality transformation, as “left wing, quite liberal,”[42] “radical.”[43] White male
- Omar S. Thornton, 34, shot up his Hartford Beer Distributor workplace after facing disciplinary issues, then committed suicide. African-American, no apparent religious or extremist ties
- Maurice Clemmons, 37, a felon who was out on bail for child-rape charges, entered a coffee shop on a Sunday morning and shot four police officers who had gone there to use their laptops before their shifts. Clemmons, who was wounded fleeing the scene, was later shot dead by a police officer in Seattle after a two-day manhunt. African American, no religious or extremist ties found
- Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, opened fire on an Army base in an attack linked to Islamist extremism. Hasan was injured during the attack and later arrested. In the Fort Hood shooting, on November 5, 2009, Hasan reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar!”[75][76][77] (The phrase literally means “Allah is great”;[78][79] it is usually translated “God is [the] Greatest”, or “God is Great”)
- Jiverly Wong, 41, opened fire at an American Civic Association center for immigrants before committing suicide. Vietnamese American, no extremist ties or religious motive found
- Robert Stewart, 45, opened fire at a nursing home where his estranged wife worked before he was shot and arrested by a police officer. White male, no known religious or extremist ties
- Disgruntled employee Wesley Neal Higdon, 25, shot up an Atlantis Plastics factory after he was escorted out of his workplace for an argument with a supervisor. Higdon shot the supervisor outside the factory before opening fire on coworkers inside. He then committed suicide. Not much noted about his politics or faith, appears to be a white male
- Steven Kazmierczak, 27, opened fire in a lecture hall, then shot and killed himself before police arrived. Satanist, not sure of motive, appears to be mixed ethnicity
- Charles “Cookie” Lee Thornton, 52, went on a rampage at the city hall before being shot and killed by police. African-American man, no apparently religious or extremist ties, disgruntled employee
- Robert A. Hawkins, 19, opened fire inside Westroads Mall before committing suicide. No apparent religious or extremist association, mixed nationality
- Off-duty sheriff’s deputy Tyler Peterson, 20, opened fire inside an apartment after an argument at a homecoming party. He fled the scene and later committed suicide. Young male Caucasian, no obvious religious or extremist ties
- Virginia Tech student Seung-Hui Cho, 23, opened fire on his school’s campus before committing suicide. South Korean American, left leaning politics, motives included jealousy of rich people. No obvious religious or extremist ties
- Sulejman Talović, 18, rampaged through the shopping center until he was shot dead by police. Bosnian, Talović repeatedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” prior to his death, suggesting a religious motive, citing video of the rampage which supposedly captures Talović’s religious shouting.
- Charles Carl Roberts, 32, shot 10 young girls in a one-room schoolhouse in Bart Township, killing 5, before taking his own life. Amish, discovered four suicide notes; one addressed to herself and one to each of their three children. Roberts called his wife from the schoolhouse on his cell phone and told her that he had molested two young female relatives (between the ages of 3 and 5) 20 years previously (when he was 12) and had been daydreaming about molesting again.
- Kyle Aaron Huff, 28, opened fire at a rave afterparty in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle before committing suicide. Young white male, motive un-determined, does not appear to have religious or extremist connections, was a new raver
- Former postal worker Jennifer Sanmarco, 44, shot dead a former neighbor then drove to the mail processing plant where she used to work. Inside, she opened fire, killing six employees before committing suicide. White female, no known religious or extremist ties
- Jeffrey Weise, 16, murdered his grandfather, who was a police officer, and grandfather’s girlfriend. Weise then drove his grandfather’s squad car to Red Lake Senior High School and opened fire on the reservation campus, killing another seven people before committing suicide. Ojibwe NA, no known religious or extremist ties
- Living Church of God member Terry Michael Ratzmann, 44, opened fire at a church meeting at a Sheraton hotel before committing suicide. White male, Christian, no extremist ties, killed members of his own church
- Nathan Gale, 25, possibly upset about the breakup of Pantera, gunned down former Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell and three others at a Damageplan show before a police officer fatally shot Gale. White male, no known religious or extremist ties
- Assembly line worker Douglas Williams, 48, opened fire at his Lockheed Martin workplace in a racially motivated attack before committing suicide.
- Fired employee William D. Baker, 66, opened fire at his former Navistar workplace before committing suicide. African-American man, no know religious or extremist ties
- Michael McDermott, 42, opened fire on co-workers at Edgewater Technology and was later arrested. White male, no known religious or extremist ties, said his motive was that he was sent back in time to kill Hitler and Nazi’s
- Hotel employee Silvio Leyva, 36, gunned down four coworkers at the Radisson Bay Harbor Inn before killing a woman outside who refused to give him her car. He was arrested shortly after the shootings. Cuban American, no known religious or extremist ties
- Byran Koji Uyesugi, 40, a Xerox service technician, opened fire inside the building with a 9mm Glock. He fled and was later apprehended by police. Hawaiian, no religious or extremist ties known
- Larry Gene Ashbrook, 47, opened fire inside the Wedgwood Baptist Church during a prayer rally before committing suicide. White male, killings appear to be a result of disliking Jesus or religion
- Day trader Mark O. Barton, 44, who had recently lost a substantial sum of money, went on a shooting spree through two day-trading firms. He started at the All-Tech Investment Group, where he worked, then went on to Momentum Securities. He fled and hours later, after being cornered by police outside a gas station, committed suicide. (Two days before the spree, he killed his wife and two children with a hammer.) White male, no apparent religious or extremist associations
- Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17, opened fire throughout Columbine High School before committing suicide. Both young white males, both associated with “The Trenchcoat Mafia”, and Goth subculture, parents with progressive democrats
- After he was expelled for having a gun in his locker, Kipland P. Kinkel, 15, a freshman at Thurston High, went on a shooting spree, killing his parents at home and two students at school. Five classmates wrestled Kipland to the ground before he was arrested. Young white male, no obvious religious or extremist connections
- Mitchell Scott Johnson, 13, and Andrew Douglas Golden, 11, two juveniles, ambushed students and teachers as they left the school; they were apprehended by police at the scene. Young white males, no known religious or extremist ties
- Lottery worker Matthew Beck, 35, gunned down four bosses over a salary dispute before committing suicide. White male, no know religious or extremist ties
- Former Caltrans employee Arturo Reyes Torres, 41, opened fire at a maintenance yard after he was fired for allegedly selling government materials he’d stolen from work. He was shot dead by police. Not sure of ethnicity, male, no known religious or extremist ties
Tonight I saw a post come up on my feed about a shooting that took place a few hours ago in Quebec Canada.
Pro-Trump Right-Wing Terrorist Murders Six People At Mosque
My response was:
That is interesting. Most of the recent shooters in the news have been far left liberals. Its a rare thing to see this. Especially since he was Canadian.
My friend says:
I don’t know what statistics you are looking at. Seems to be different than the ones I have seen.
I responded with the ones that I could think of, just off the top of my head;

I was asked to remove any screen shot from the other party, so I removed anything that posted, as to not accidentally show their identity. The only replies above are my own
Here are a few of the recent ones.
– Nidal Hasan – Ft Hood Shooter: Registered Democrat and Muslim.
– Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard shooter – black liberal/Obama voter
– Seung-Hui Cho – Virginia Tech shooter: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff, registered Democrat.
– James Holmes – the “Dark Knight”/Colorado shooter: Registered Democrat, staff worker on the Obama campaign, #Occupy guy,progressive liberal, hated Christians.
– Amy Bishop, the rabid leftist, killed her colleagues in Alabama, Obama supporter.
– Andrew J. Stack, flew plane into IRS building in Texas – Leftist Democrat
– James J. Lee who was the “green activist”/ leftist took hostages at Discovery Channel – progressive liberal Democrat.
– Jared Loughner, the Tucson shooter – Leftist, Marxist. dem mass murder– Ohio bomb plot derps were occupy Wall St leftists.
– Harris and Klebold, the Columbine Shooters – families registered Democrats and progressive Leftists.
– Bill Ayers, Weather Underground bomber – Leftist Democrat.
– Lee Harvey Oswald, Socialist, Communist and Democrat – killed Kennedy
– Omar Mateen – Islamic fundamentalism killed 49 people in a gay nightclub, was revealed by friends and family that he might be homosexual
References; &
– Bryce Williams – Democrat LGBT activist killed 2 people on camera Murders of Alison Parker and Adam Ward – Wikipedia
The other side of the conversation said:
Seriously dude few recent ones? Lee Harvey Oswald isn’t recent. You have the columbine shooters who were highschoolers not even old enough to vote. Go sell that somewhere else.
My reply was;
and following;
Study: “white terrorists deadlier than Islamic terrorist”
Definitely. I mean Muslims make up such a small fraction of our society. There is no doubt that makes sense.
However, this was not about race. This was about political ideology. Liberals are the most likely mass shooter.
The title of the original article is what I was responding to, which was about political ideology. I was just surprised that this one happened to be a right wing guy. Especially being a Canadian.
Usually, mass shooters are far left liberal extremists.
But saying “it is unlikely for a Muslim to commit crimes in America”. Or “most shooters are white”.
Yes, white people make up 68% of the population. So it makes sense. Why is it always about race?
That is when we got down to settling this up, and writing an article on on mass shootings
The terms are below; (I had a screen shot, but since the other party asked me not to screen shot things (even though I black out names, faces, etc), I gave them that, and told them I would remove the screen shot. I will copy links and words, and paste them however. I mean, I have no problem quoting someone, and that does not violate privacy. And anything I write, is mine, so I will screen shot it)
The basic point is, that first the headline was; “Pro Trump, Right Wing Terrorist Murders Six”
Then the next article posted by the other side of this conversation is: “White Terrorist are Deadlier than Islamist in the US“.
First it is about political ideology, then about ethnicity.
My point is yes, white people make up 68% of the US population. The Muslim population is 1%.
According to a 2010 study, it is followed by 0.9% of the population, compared to 70.6% who follow Christianity, 22.8% unaffiliated, 1.9% Judaism, 0.7% Buddhism, and 0.7% Hinduism. According to a new estimate in 2016, there are 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States, about 1% of the total U.S. population.
As a point of reference, I used many sources, depending on how comprehensive the information available was. In many of the older cases, the information was vague.
So in some cases I used, and in others I used, there are various other sources throughout the article. I always recommend researching these things yourself.
As a subnote, because I said that I would publish information on the other murders in the USA, here is some data on that;
White males make up around 38% of the population and account for around 38% of murders.
Black males make up around 6.6% of the population and account for around 50% of murders.
This is the statistical information from the FBI and DOJ:
Yet despite a much lower incident rate with police that white people have, white males are killed at a much higher rate by cops than black people are killed by cops; White suspects account for over 62% of police killings.
Females only make up 6.7% of the prison population, and males make up 93.3% of the prison population. Nothing is truly “equal”, but it is important to look at the underlying reasons why things are the way they are.
Also around the globe the same trend shows. A study in Germany showed that only 15% of mass killings were by right wing people, and the rest were left wingers. It also showed that 92% of left-wing activists still lived with their mum.
You will have to use google translate for the article below;
The Protection of the Constitution , has determined in a study that is present exclusively IMAGE left Average perpetrators: He is male, 21 to 24 years old, despite average maturity usually no job – and 92 percent of them still live at moms house.
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