Talk Story Saturday

The Dual Dimensions of Marriage: A Harmonious Blend of Commitment and Love

The Dual Dimensions of Marriage: A Harmonious Blend of Commitment and Love

Introduction In the rich tapestry of human relationships, marriage emerges as a unique blend of practical commitment and deep emotional connection. This exploration delves into the dual nature of marriage as both a transactional agreement and a romantic union, forming a resilient foundation for a shared journey through life. The Transactional Essence of Wedding Vows […]

Im not haole Im human

Week Four of the Thirty Meter Telescope Protests – Whats up with the racism and threats?

Week Four of the TMT Protests by Disruptarian – Has anyone else noticed the violent threats and racism? The Thirty Meter Telescope has brought out a lot of hidden little secrets in Hawaii about racism, and decades-old hurt that exists in this island. I wanted to address some accusations that have been launched at me […]

David Sai Perfect Title

Does David Keanu Sai have “Diplomatic Immunity” in all of his recent fraud allegations?

Keanu Sai claimed “diplomatic immunity” shielded him from fraud allegations   In a recent case, subsequent to the case where David Keanu Sai was found guilty of a second-degree felony in 1999 . The Office of Consumer Protection is very clear on his claim to “Diplomatic Immunity”. The consumer protection agency, in response, called Sai’s […]

Regarding Legal Annexation of Hawaii

Larsen vs Hawaiian Kingdom – Is the US Government Illegally Occupying Hawaii with David Sai

Larsen vs Hawaiian Kingdom – Is the US Government Illegally Occupying Hawaii with David Sai This video is a critique of David Sai and Hawaiian Kingdom activist’s claims that the USA is illegally occupying the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the notion that the “Hawaiian Kingdom” was never legally overthrown, and that the USA did not truly […]


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