
Why Is Keanu David Sai's Felony Important to the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement's case against Hawaii

Why Is Keanu David Sai’s Felony Important to the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement’s case against Hawaii

Why Is Keanu David Sai’s Felony Important to the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement @A P   says: “Disruptarian Radio TMT has some felon supporters too” @Disruptarian Radio (my reply):  I find that about as relevant as Tulsi Gabbard having a strong KKK supporter, also supporter her. David Duke supports Tulsi Gabbard, and Tulsi Gabbard supports the […]

Asking Puna Council Members in Hawaii County to support the TMT …

————————- Asking #Puna Council Members in Hawaii County to support the #TMT — Disruptarian (@disruptarian) July 20, 2019 [fts_twitter twitter_name=disruptarian tweets_count=6 twitter_height=500px cover_photo=no stats_bar=yes show_retweets=no show_replies=no] 36 ———- Source by Disruptarian

Im not haole Im human

Week Four of the Thirty Meter Telescope Protests – Whats up with the racism and threats?

Week Four of the TMT Protests by Disruptarian – Has anyone else noticed the violent threats and racism? The Thirty Meter Telescope has brought out a lot of hidden little secrets in Hawaii about racism, and decades-old hurt that exists in this island. I wanted to address some accusations that have been launched at me […]

Hawaii County Council

Letters to Hawaii County Council Members about Mauna Kea and the TMT Project July 19th 2019

The first letter is to; Matt Kanaelii-Kleinfelder Dear Matt “I want to be very clear in our support for the TMT. This is bringing in much needed jobs to a community that just got rekt by a natural disaster. The protesters are breaking the law, blocking a county road, and preventing a lot of people […]


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