Letters to Hawaii County Council Members about Mauna Kea and the TMT Project July 19th 2019

Hawaii County Council

Letters to Hawaii County Council Members about Mauna Kea and the TMT Project July 19th 2019

The first letter is to;

Matt Kanaelii-Kleinfelder



Dear Matt

“I want to be very clear in our support for the TMT.
This is bringing in much needed jobs to a community that just got rekt by a natural disaster.
The protesters are breaking the law, blocking a county road, and preventing a lot of people from going to work.
I hope that they end their protest soon. Puna and Hawaii in general really need this project.
A lot of labor unions (labor unions who apparently endorse you) are out in protest FOR the TMT project.
You can read the two articles that I have written on this subject.



This is our model rocket celebration in Pahoa last week.

Ryan Thompson ”


The second letter was to

Ashley Kierkiewicz

Ashley Kierkiewicz

Ashley Kierkiewicz Hawai’i County Council, District 4

Dear Ashley,

Aloha!  I wanted to comment on your speech on July 20th last year, when you spoke about the financial challenges that our community is facing post-eruption.
I am troubled by the support that Matt Kanaelii-Kleinfelder is not supporting the TMT, and is infact emboldening protesters with his support of them.

As you well know the TMT project is a no-waste facility, it is not impacting historical or present day ritual or burial practices.
The EIS has been very enlightening on what the impact will be.  The fact that 3 telescopes are coming down, to make room for this one telescope is a grand compromise IMHO.

The protesters currently are shutting down public/county roads, impeding people in their productive daily routines, and blocking many workers from performing any of their daily duties for their jobs.

I would like to see you support the TMT, and oppose the protesters who are hurting our already fractured community.

I have a local radio show, that I broadcast from my home in Nanawale.   I have written two blogs about this issue.



My family of 6 have been celebrating the new STEM/SPACE programs coming to Puna and Hawaii island by launching rockets in Pahoa over the last couple of weeks.

Please watch our celebration at this short video;   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvEjK8R3yis&t=3s

Mahalo for your time,
Ryan Thompson

Hawaii County Council

Hawaii County Council

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About The Author

Disruptive Host
Journalist, traveler, blogger


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